Derived from
20710598 STORIA E TEORIA DELL'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA - LM in History of Art LM-89 (professor to define)
The expanded body. Art and performance in Italy, 1968-1980
In Italy, between the 1960s and 1970s, the body of artists and poets became fully visible for the first time also thanks to new media (photography, cinema, television) and their mass diffusion. The transformation of the artist into performer is part of a tendency, typical of the same historical period, to dissolve the boundaries between different media, traditions and contexts. The course examines this transformation in a series of cases in which the body, the living presence of the artist, becomes an object acquires its own exemplary value. Texts, films, and photographs of performance in Italy and the broader area of performance experiences in the international field will be examined.
(reference books)
Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin Buchloh, Art since 1900, Thames & Hudson Other essays and books are indicated in the recordings and partly available in PDF on the course Teams channel in the Files section.