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21810403 THE UNITED STATES AND THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM in Global Security Studies: Environment, Energy and Conflicts LM-52 A - Z Santangeli Valenzani Giuliano
Week I - Introduction and course description. The origins of U.S. foreign policy. The American exceptionalism. Isolationism or non-isolationism? Week II - The Civil War as an international conflict. The end of the XIX century and the early Imperial phase. Week III - The American Century: from the Spanish-American War to the end of the Cold War. The rise of the United States to global power. Wilsonianism or anti-Wilsonianism? Week IV - The Global Empire. The Cold War between containment, détente, and consensus. Week V - The post-Cold War debate over the new global role of the U.S. From Bush Sr.'s new world order to Clinton's Democratic enlargment. Week VI - American Foreign Policy after 9/11. New challenges, new approaches, and new interpretations of the U.S. role in the world.
(reference books)
[Mandatory] Mario Del Pero, Libertà e impero. Gli Stati Uniti e il mondo, 1776-2016, Laterza, 2017
[ONLY for non-attendees] One additional book of your choice from the following:
Chalmers Johnson, Le lacrime dell'impero. L'apparato militare industriale, i servizi segreti e la fine del sogno americano, Garzanti, 2005
Elisabetta Vezzosi, Raffaella Baritono, Oltre il secolo americano? Gli Stati Uniti prima e dopo l'11 settembre, Carocci, 2011
Francis Fukuyama, La fine della storia e l'ultimo uomo, UTET, 2020
Joseph Nye, Fine del secolo americano? Il Mulino, 2016
Mario Del Pero, Henry Kissinger e l'ascesa dei neoconservatori alle origini della politica estera americana, Laterza, 2006
Anders Stephanson, Destino manifesto. L'espansionismo americano e l'Impero del Bene, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2004