Palazzolo Chiara
The course on Ethics in Visual and Performing Arts is part of the related or complementary activities of the DAMS Degree Course. The aim of the course is to provide a basic knowledge of some of the main ethical issues related to visual and performing arts, with particular reference to the connection between art and morality in the interpretation of Western classical music with score. The course investigates the conceptual links between art and morality. It is not immediately clear why one can discuss morality in reference to art. Why does art have anything to do with morality? The main theoretical aspects of the relation between art and morality will be examined: 1. Moral agency of artist in a professional domain: professional ethics of artists; 2. The ethical and socio-cultural value of art making and art itself; the educational repercussions of those who approach an artistic career professionally. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to: (1) be acquainted with the main ethical issues related to making art; (2) be able to analyse and understand philosophical texts in aesthetics and ethics related to visual and performing arts; (3) be able to clearly outline and discuss the different theoretical and critical positions examined in the course.
(reference books)
Kivy, P. (2007), Filosofia della musica. Un’introduzione. A cura di Alessandro Bertinetto, Einaudi (cap. XII). Barenboim, D. (2018), La musica è un tutto. Etica ed estetica, trad. it. E. Girardi, Feltrinelli (26 pagine). Giombini, L. Etica per gli artisti. Una brevissima introduzione ( Dispensa, 12 pagine).
I testi saranno caricati sul sistema Moodle a disposizione degli studenti.