1. Definition and history of bioethics 1. 1 Ethical models, responsibility and technological progress 1. 2 The anthropological issue as the foundation of bioethics
2. Bioethics of the body and health 2.1 Personal character of the corporeity 2.2 Culture of appearance and body models 2. 3 The objectification of the body as a risk of the technique applied to medicine
3. To be born and die in the age of technology 3.1 The new faces of dying: euthanasia and biological testament 3.2 New forms of motherhood: implications and problems
4. Health and globalization 4.1 Ecosystems and common resources 4.2 Pandemics and collective responsibility
(reference books)
M. T. RUSSO, Etica del corpo tra medicina ed estetica, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2008 M. T. RUSSO, Corpo, salute, cura. Linee di antropologia biomedica, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2004 L. ALICI (a cura di), Il dolore e la speranza. Cura della responsabilità e responsabilità della cura, Aracne 2011 Glossary with key definitions to know (on formonline) Articles online: Pareri del CNB e articoli vari (link on formonline)