Derived from
20410568 IN470- COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SYSTEMS BIOLOGY in Computational Sciences LM-40 Pistone Paolo
- Fundamental notions of molecular biology (nucleic acids, protein structures, central dogma) - Reminders of probability theory (probability distributions, Bayes' theorem, random walks) - Sequence alignment: scoring matrices, global and local alignment methods (dynamic programming, BLAST) - Phylogenetic trees: distance methods (ultrametric and additive trees), probabilistic methods (maximum likelihood, Bayesian methods) - Population genetics: Hardy-Weinberg law, genetic drift, natural selection - Boolean networks: gene regulatory networks, asyncronous Boolean networks, attractors and attractive cycles, positive and negative cycles.
(reference books)
- Clote P., Backofen, R., Computational Molecular Biology. An Introduction, Wiley Series in Mathematical and Computational Biology, 2000. - Allman E. S., Rhodes J. A., Mathematical Models in Biology. An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, 2004. - Citterich M. H., Ferr ́e F., Pavesi G., Romualdi C., Pesole G., Fon- damenti di bioinformatica, Biologia Zanichelli, 2018. - Gillespie, J., Population Genetics: a Coincise Guide, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. -R uet P., Local cycles and dynamical properties of Boolean networks, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Volume 26, Issue 4, May 2016, pp. 702 - 718.