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21010154 PUBLIC SPACE AND CLIMATE CHANGE in Master of Science - Architecture LM-4 PONE MARIA
The course's main objective is to introduce students to the themes and tools that concern the relationship between climate change and the design of public space, but not with the exclusively "technical" logic with which it is often addressed. The ability to read the spatial characteristics, in terms of geography, morphology, and typology, is considered the first interpretive key for a project that can deal with the effects of climate change in the urban environment. The course is divided into 2 phases:
Phase 1: the first phase, in which lectures and dialogues with students alternate, is dedicated to the thematic framework and to the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and techniques, which are useful when designing a contemporary public space aware of the issues of mitigation and adaptation to CC;
Phase 2: the second phase, carried out as a design workshop, consists of a design application in which students will be able to test the knowledge acquired in phase 1. In this phase, students are provided with some fundamentals for the use of ENVI-met microclimate simulation software.
(reference books)
D’Olimpio (2008) La progettazione del microclima urbano. Le caratteristiche microclimatiche in ambiente urbano come fattori per la definizione della qualità ecosistemica dei sistemi insediativi; Roma: Kappa.
Georgiadis T. (2018) "Cambiamenti climatici ed effetti sulle città" in REBUS. Renovation of public Building and Urban Space / 3° Edizione
Musco F, Fregolent L. (2014) (a cura di) Pianificazione urbanistica e clima urbano. Manuale per la riduzione dei fenomeni di isola di calore urbano. Padova: Il Poligrafo
Pone M (2022) "Spazio pubblico, urban health e adattamento climatico. La ricerca Climactions" in EcoWebTown n.24
Pone M (2019) Pone M. (2019) ‘Paesaggi dell’Antropocene’, in Op.Cit Selezione della critica d’arte contemporanea,165.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2008) Reducing urban heat islands: Compendium of strategies [online] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
UCCRN (2018) Climate Change and Cities. Second Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network. Cambridge University Press Ulteriori riferimenti verranno eventualmente forniti nel corso delle lezioni