The course is offered to students who have at least an elementary knowledge of the language (A2). It focuses on the familiarization with authors and texts belonging to the modern and contemporary French and Francophone linguistic and cultural field. In particular, the analysis of significant works in the original language will allow to develop the ability to understand morphosyntactic aspects of French language and dynamics relating to social and cultural French-speaking world from the twentieth century to today.
Expected learning outcomes: students will develop their basic language skills and will be able to rework disciplinary elements and themes in an intercultural context.
21810351 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Elective activities
Group: A - L
Derived from
21810359 CULTURE IN FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES in Policies, cooperation and development L-37 A - L SPANDRI FRANCESCO
The course is offered to all students.
It will focus on: “Literature, economy and society in France after the Revolution of 1848”.
The course will tackle these topics through the analysis of Émile Zola's novel “L’Assommoir” (1877).
(reference books)
1) Zola, “L’Assommoir”, introduction, notes et commentaires de Jacques Dubois, Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 1996 (or any other paperback French edition)
2) Zola, “Le roman expérimental”, dans Le roman expérimental, présentation par François-Marie Mourad, Paris, Flammarion, 2006 (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
3) “Il romanzo francese dell’Ottocento”, Anna Maria Scaiola, ed., Bari, Laterza, 2008, chapter V (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
4) “Les Constitutions de la France depuis 1789”, présentation par Jacques Godechot, édition corrigée et mise à jour par Hervé Faupin, Paris, Flammarion, coll. GF, 2006, chapters IX, X, XI (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
5) Jacques Dubois, "Émile Zola", in "Les romanciers du réel", Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2000 (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
Grammar Texts (optional): 1) Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, “Grammaire progressive du français” (niveau avancé), Paris, Clé International, 2012 Or 2) Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, “Savoir-dire, savoir-faire” (niveaux B1/B2), Bologna, Zanichelli 2008 Or 3) Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, “Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)”, Hoepli, 2017
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam
Group: M - Z
Derived from
21810359 CULTURE IN FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES in Policies, cooperation and development L-37 M - Z TARQUINI VALENTINA
The program is divided into three parts. A first theoretical part will illustrate, in a diachronic key, the morphosyntactic foundations of modern French and some essential phases in the evolution of the French language. A second part will focus on institutional relations between France and the French-speaking world, with particular attention paid to the question of language in the French-speaking South (Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific region). Finally, a third part will focus on the linguistic and discursive analysis of enunciation in the transnational context and will be carried out on a selection of authentic texts indicated in the program and available on Moodle. All texts studied in class will be part of the exam.
As Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an essential requirement to register the final exam grade, students who need to pass the B1 test are recommended to check well in advance the class schedule and the exam dates at the Roma Tre University Language Center (CLA). Those students who already have a language certificate of the above-mentioned level are invited to contact the University Language Center for possible validation of such certificate.
(reference books)
Chapters on the history of French language in France: 1) Françoise Gadet, Ralph Ludwig, Le français au contact d'autres langues, Paris, Éditions Ophrys, 2015, pp. 25-41 (downloadable on Moodle). 2) Henriette Walter, Le français dans tous les sens. Grandes et petites histoires de notre langue, Paris, Robert Laffont, coll. Le goût des mots, 1988 (downloadable on Moodle). 3) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, pp. pp. 22-35 + pagine del cap. 3 fornite su Moodle (downloadable on Moodle, compulsory for non-attending students).
Chapters on the French language in the French-speaking world: 4) Françoise Gadet, La variation sociale en français, Paris, Ophrys, 2007, pp. 13-33 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students). 5) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, ch. VII (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
Critical and methodological readings on socio-institutional and socio-discursive approaches to the French-speaking world, namely “francodoxie” (downloadable on Moodle) 6) François Provenzano, ch. 2 : "Qu’est-ce que la francodoxie?", in "Vies et mort de la francophonie. Une politique française de la langue et de la littérature", Bruxelles, Les impressions nouvelles, coll. Réflexions faites, 2011, pp. 55-70 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students). 7) Ruth Amossy, ch. 4: "Images de soi, images de l'autre: 'je' / 'tu' ", in "La présentation de soi. Ethos et identité verbale", Paris, PUF, 2010, pp. 103-130 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students). 8) Patrick Charaudeau, Le Discours politique. Les masques du pouvoir, Limoges, Lambert-Lucas, 2014, pp. 87-128 (downloadable on Moodle, compulsory for non-attending students).
Texts/discourses to be analysed (downloadable on Moodle, except for Fatou Diome’s book, to be acquired): - Discours d'Onésime Reclus (extracts) + reading from Pinhas (downloadable on Moodle, compulsory for non-attending students). - Discours de Nicolas Sarkozy à la jeunesse de Dakar (2007) + one of the two critical readings "L'Afrique répond à Sarkozy" downloadable on Moodle (1. Ngalasso, 2.Th. Obenga). - Frantz Fanon’posture in "Peau noire, masques blancs", selected texts (chapter 1 to be read for non-attending students, downloadable on Moodle). - Discours sur la dette, Thomas Sankara (1987). - Marianne porte plainte!, Fatou Diome (Albin Michel: 2017) – to be acquired (-10% at the librairie Stendhal for all students from Roma Tre).
Compulsory for 12 CFU exam: Tzvetan Todorov, Nous et les autres. La réflexion française sur la diversité humaine, Paris, Seuil, 1989, pp. 21-34, 133-194 (downloadable on Moodle).
Grammar manuals recommended for developing language skills (not requested at the examination): - Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, "Grammaire progressive du français (niveau avancé)", Paris, Clé International, 2012. Or - Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, "Savoir-dire, savoir-faire (niveaux B1/B2)", Zanichelli 2008. or - Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, "Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)", Hoepli, 2017 (downloadable materials and "corrigés" on the official website).
For beginners (A1/A2): - Berger/Spicacci/Bergamaschi, "Savoir-dire Savoir-faire (A1/A2/B1)", Zanichelli, 2016 (materiale multimediale e «corrigés» scaricabili dal sito ufficiale); or - Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, Jean-Pierre Seghi, "Manuel de français. Corso di lingua francese (A1/A2)", Hoepli, 2012 (CD audio + mp3).
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam