The course, which aims to provide students who already have a three-year degree with tools and methods to tackle specific research projects in the field of European Prehistory and Protohistory, has as its topic Places of worship, symbols and ritual activities in Europe between VI and I millennium BC The reconstruction of ritual activities for periods for which we have no historical-literary sources has always been an extraordinary challenge for scholars of prehistory and protohistory. After a series of lessons on the history of studies and the evolution of archaeological and anthropological theories on the subject, we will try to outline a panorama of the ritual and symbolic aspects of our continent between the ancient Neolithic and the first millennium BC. At the same time we will try to work with the students on three different themes: - the cultic use of natural cavities - the open-air places of worship and, more generally, offerings of objects (overall weapons and ornaments) in water, on mountain peaks, in the form of bronze hoards or as spoils of war - the built structures used for ritual activities in prehistory and protohistory, The course includes both introductory lectures and seminars for attending students in which various case studies will be examined, also with the help of experts who will be invited to present the results of their research, organizing if possible also visits to museums and / or archaeological areas.
(reference books)
M. Bernabei, R. Grifoni Cremonesi, 1995-96 I culti delle acque nella preistoria italiana, in Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche 47, 1995-96, pp. 331-366.
A.Guidi, I tempi del sacro nel Lazio protostorico, in V.Nizzo, L.La Rocca (a cura di), Antropologia e archeologia a confronto. Rappresentazioni e pratiche del sacro (Atti congr. Int. Roma 2011), Roma 2012, pp. 137-146.
M. Bettelli, Variazioni sul sole: immagini e immaginari nell’Europa protostorica, in Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 64, 2012, pp. 185-205.
A.Guidi, Cult Activities among Central and Northern Italian Protohistoric Communities, in A.Bernard Knapp. P.van Dommelen eds., The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean, Cambridge 2014, pp. 635-649. D.Cocchi Genick, I luoghi di culto dell’età del rame in Italia, in Paesaggi Carimoniali. Atti Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria XI/1, Milano 2014, pp. 35-51. P.Marzatico, Paesaggi del culto nelle Alpi centro-orientali, in Paesaggi Carimoniali. Atti Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria XI/2, Milano 2014, pp. 315-332. A. Depalmas, Il paesaggio del sacro nella Sardegna nuragica. Architetture celebrative e spazi cerimoniali nei luoghi di culto e nei santuari, in Paesaggi Carimoniali. Atti Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria XI/2, Milano 2014, pp. 481-494. A.Guidi, Religion, Art, Law, Ethnicity And State Formation In Protohistoric Italy, in Peter Attema, Jorn Seubers and Sarah Willemsen (a cura di), Early states, territories and settlements in protohistoric Central Italy (Proceedings of a specialist conference at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the University of Groningen, 2013), Groningen 2016, pp. 9-16. A. Cazzella, A. Guidi, Aspetti simbolici connessi con le grotte nell’Italia centro-meridionale dal Neolitico alla prima età del ferro (con A.Cazzella), in A.Maiuri (a cura di), Antrum. Riti e simbologie delle grotte nel Mediterraneo, Quaderni di studi e materiali di storia delle religioni 16, 2017, pp. 47-63. S.Stoddart, Neolithic Ritual on the Island Archipelago of Malta, in Religions 13, 2022, pp. 1-16.
I non frequentanti dovranno portare quattro testi a scelta tra quelli sopra elencati e il manuale di A.Cazzella, G.Recchia, Alle origini delle disuguaglianze. Dall'affermazione dell'economia produttiva alle prime forme di stratificazione in Italia e nelle isole adiacenti (6000-1000 a.C.), Ragusa 2021.