THE CHARACTERS OF DANTE’S COMEDY BETWEEN LITERARY TRADITION, HISTORY AND DANTEAN AUTOBIOGRAPHY The course aims to focus on some characters of Dante’s Comedy, with particular reference to sources and ancient exegesis, but also investigating the fortune of some of the protagonists of Dante’s poem in modern culture. Dante’s encounters with figures from the classical world (such as Ulisse and Diomede) and the biblical tradition (such as Adamo), from the historical facts of the 13th and 14th century (such as Francesca da Rimini, Guido and Bonconte da Montefeltro, Frate Alberigo and Branca Doria, Romeo di Villanova, Piccarda Donati) or linked to Dante’s intellectual and familiar autobiography (such as Beatrice herself and Cacciaguida) will be re-examined. Special attention will be also dedicated to classical and romance poets.
(reference books)
- DANTE ALIGHIERI, Commedia, ed. by A.M. CHIAVACCI LEONARDI, Milano, Mondadori, 2016 (if you have other editions of the text please get in touch with the lecturer): during the course a selection of passages from the three sections of the poem will be read and analyzed.
- C. OSSOLA, Personaggi della Divina Commedia, Milano, Marsilio, 2021.
- * L. AZZETTA, Vicende d'amanti e chiose di poema. Alle radici di Boccaccio interprete di Francesca, «Studi sul Boccaccio», XXXVII, 2009, pp. 155-70. - * M. FIORILLA, Frate Alberigo e Branca Doria fra tradizioni antiche e riscritture moderne, in Lectura Dantis Interamnensis, diretta da G. RATI, IV. Inferno, Roma, Bulzoni, 2010, pp. 155-177. - *M. FIORILLA, Da Apollonio Rodio a Lucano, da Lucano a Dante: ripresa e variatio di una similitudine, in «Tutto il lume della spera nostra» Studi per Marco Ariani, a cura di. G. CRIMI e L. MARCOZZI, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2018, pp. 75-81. - *S. GENTILI, Il fuoco di Ulisse, in Per civile conversazione. Con Amedeo Quondam, a cura di B. Alfonsetti e alii, Roma, Bulzoni, 2014, pp. 605-615. - *S. RIZZO, Lectura di Dante, ‘Inferno’, XXVI, in «Rivista di Studi danteschi», XVI/2, 2016, pp. 276-290 (solo le pp. 280-290). - *A. PEGORETTI, La suora mancata, Piccarda, in Nel Duecento di Dante: i personaggi, a cura di F. Suitner, Firenze, Le lettere, 2020, pp. 19-37. *A. TARTARO, L’aggettivo di Cleopatra (Inferno V, 63), in «La Cultura», XXXII, 1994, pp. 45-57.
The articles marked by an asterisk will be included in the Dispense del corso (course materials assembled by the lecturer), together with a selection of passages from other works by Dante an anthology of sources, a selection of glosses from the early commentaries to the Commedia. Notes and other material will be uploaded in PDF format during the course in the lecturer’s web page (MOODLE).
Students are strongly advised to attend classes regularly. Students unable to attend are required to contact the lecturer.