During the workshop, students will be required to read, present in class, and comment together on some key texts of early and mature Marxian political thought. In particular, they will focus on the Marxian critique of politics and the state, the genesis of the idea of class struggle, the role of the party, and the historical event of the Paris Commune.
(reference books)
Karl Marx, La questione ebraica (ny edition, with preference for the one published by manifestolibri edited by M. Tomba) Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Ideologia tedesca, capitolo 1 (any edition, with preference for the one published by Editori riuniti a cura di Cesare Luporini) Karl Marx, Manifesto del partito comunista (any edition, with preference for the one published by Ponte alle Grazie edited by C17) Karl Marx, Critica al programma di Gotha (any edition, with preference for the one published by Editori riuniti edited by Umberto Cerroni) Karl Marx, La guerra civile in Francia (any edition, with preference for the one published by Edizioni Alegre)