The course aims to introduce the study of the history of communication (in particular, narrative) with a view to grasping, diachronically, the multiple and polymorphous intersections and incidences of this with cultural and educational processes up to the advent and affirmation of multimedia communication in the age of globalisation. Starting from the contributions of Gianni Rodari and Bruno Munari, the monographic part of the course will explore verbal-visual imaginative phenomena (from counterfactuality to worlds of invention) in order to propose a reflection on the link between narration, educational models and interpretation of reality.
(reference books)
S. Calabrese, Manuale di comunicazione narrativa, Pearson, Milano, 2019. G. Rodari, Grammatica della fantasia. Introduzione all’arte di inventare storie, Einaudi o Einaudi Ragazzi. B. Munari, Fantasia, Laterza, Roma-Bari.