The course aims at exploring the concept of formation in present-day, multicultural, multiracial and globalized society to highlight how this concept has been transformed with the revolution operated by digital technologies, so as to build a new pedagogic lexis for the coordination and planning of educational and formative interventions in different professional settings. The relationship between formation and complexity will be investigated in the first part and a more detailed study, will pause and reflect upon the importance of communication to rethink education in a plural, complex and interconnected technological world. In the two part, which will be more workshop based, we will experiment how to transfer and build knowledge in the setting up online educational spaces, through cooperative and collaborative forms and style to train critical intelligence and counter stereotypical narratives on topical issues such as gender.
(reference books)
Recommended texts
For the first part E. Morin (2020), La sfida della complessità, Le Lettere, Firenze (ed. or. 2017) (recommended edition). J. Bruner (2005), La mente a più dimensioni, Laterza Roma-Bari (complete editions).
For the second part b. hooks (2020), Insegnare a trasgredire. L'educazione come pratica di libertà, Meltemi, Milano. Chapters: first, third, eighth, tenth, thirteenth, fourteenth and digital colonialism. For the workshops, materials will be provided in class and on the platform.