The course aims to introduce basic concepts of sociology of communication, in particular in relation to interpersonal communication, and at the same time to analyze the role played by the media in current society, in connection to social, cultural, institutional and technological transformations occurred over the last decades. Moreover, the course aims to prompt students to acquire the necessary skills to avoid forms of pathological communication in daily life, to enhance the skill for critical analysis and to analyze media by reflexively drawing on their own, daily experience of them. By the end of the course, students will be able to master the main paradigms developed in the field of sociology of communication and media, to know the main genres of media production and to understand media languages in relation to the development of technologies and audiences, as well as the theoretical and methodological issues raised by this development.
20710041 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Basic compulsory activities
Group: A - L
The first part of the course introduces the most relevant theories of communication, with a specific focus on interpersonal communication. The following topics are considered: verbal and non-verbal communication, interaction rituals, framing practices, rules of conversation, the relation between communication and social identities, pathological forms of communicative interaction. The second part of the course introduces the main models of media analysis and the main theoretical perspectives of sociology of media, with a specific focus on the audience analysis, the media reception and the main theories related to media effects. In particular, the social changes led by digital media in the contemporary society and the medial representations of identities will be considered.
(reference books)
a) Anna Lisa Tota, 2020, Ecologia della Parola. Il piacere della Conversazione, Einaudi, Torino.
b) Denis McQuail, 2007, Sociologia dei media, Il Mulino, Bologna (only the following chapters: 1. Introduzione; 2. La nascita dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa; 3. Concetti e modelli per le comunicazioni di massa; 4. Teorie dei media e teorie della società; 5. Comunicazione di massa e cultura; 16. La ricerca sugli effetti; 17. Effetti socio-culturali).
c) Stuart Hall, 1980, "Codifica e decodifica", in Tele-visioni, edited by A. Marinelli, G. Fatelli (2000), Meltemi, Roma, pp. 67-84.
d) José Van Dijck, Thomas Poell, Martijn de Waal (2019), Platform Society. Valori pubblici e società connessa, edited by G. Boccia Artieri e A. Marinelli (only the introduction, “Per un’economia politica delle piattaforme” e the first chapther , “Platform Society: un concetto controverso”), Guerini, Milano, pp. 9-21 e 35-74.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Group: M - Z
The first part of the course introduces the main theories of communication, with reference to interpersonal communication. Key tppics discussed during this part of the course include: communication systems, interaction rituals, social frames, conversation rules, the relationship between communication and social identities, pathological forms of communication. The second part of the course illustrates the main models of media analysis and the main theoretical perspectives of media sociology, making reference to the processes of audience formation, media use and the main theories relating to media effects. In particular, the social changes introduced by digital media in contemporary society and the media representations of identities conveyed by the media are analysed.
(reference books)
La valutazione si baserà sulla lettura dei seguenti testi: a) Anna Lisa Tota, 2020, Ecologia della Parola. Il piacere della Conversazione, Einaudi, Torino. b) Denis McQuail, 2007, Sociologia dei media, Il Mulino, Bologna (soltanto i capitoli: 1. Introduzione; 2. La nascita dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa; 3. Concetti e modelli per le comunicazioni di massa; 4. Teorie dei media e teorie della società; 5. Comunicazione di massa e cultura; 16. La ricerca sugli effetti; 17. Effetti socio-culturali). c) Stuart Hall, 1980, "Codifica e decodifica", in Tele-visioni, a cura di A. Marinelli e G. Fatelli (2000), Meltemi, Roma, pp. 67-84. d) José Van Dijck, Thomas Poell, Martijn de Waal (2019), Platform Society. Valori pubblici e società connessa, edizione italiana a cura di G. Boccia Artieri e A. Marinelli (soltanto l'introduzione, “Per un’economia politica delle piattaforme” e il capitolo 1, “Platform Society: un concetto controverso”), Guerini, Milano, pp. 9-21 e 35-74.
Gli studenti avranno inoltre a disposizione i materiali didattici utilizzati dal docente (power point e immagini) e una serie di testi d’approfondimento, la cui lettura è facoltativa. I materiali didattici sono reperibili sul sito nella pagina personale della docente.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam