The aim of this course is to provide knowledge and promote skills that will allow a student to critically examine the different theoretical models available in the field of experimental psychology, and the tools to identify meaningful psychological variables in the context of education and training. The course also aims to promote the development of a student's sensitivity in recognizing the psychological needs of others, a fundamental ability in any supporting relationship.
The first part of the course will introduce the history of psychology as a scientific subject, the main theoretical approaches, and research methods. The second part will focus on the investigation of cognitive and affective processes from the perspective of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience.
Detailed programme:
1) Introduction to psychology and research methods: history of psychology as a scientific subject, main theoretical approaches to the study of psychology, main research methodologies adopted in experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience.
2) Brain and behavior: Introduction to the basics of brain functioning, how this perspective has influenced the study of behavior in psychology.
3) Sensation and perception: main theoretical models, mechanisms involved in sensation and perception, how environmental information is analyzed and organized to create knowledge.
4) Attention: main theoretical models, mechanisms involved in the process of selecting environmental information for further processing.
5) Conditioning and learning: main theoretical models, mechanisms through which learning takes place.
6) Memory: main theoretical models, memory systems, characterization of encoding, storage and retrieval mechanisms.
7) Thinking and reasoning: main theoretical models, mechanisms that allow the processing of information for the purpose of forming concepts, making decisions and problem solving.
8) Language: main theoretical models, functions of language, non-linguistic communication.
9) Intelligence: main theoretical models, factors that determine intelligence, components of intelligence, measures of intelligence.
10) Motivation: main theoretical models, main types of motivation that drive behavior.
11) Emotions: main theoretical models, ways in which the affective system drive behavior.
12) Personality: main theoretical models, definition and description of personality.
(reference books)
1) Coon, D., Mitterer, J.O. (2020 -in corso di stampa- Edizione italiana a cura di Stefano Mastandrea e Sabrina Fagioli). Psicologia generale. UTET, Torino
The handbook "General Psychology", by Coon & Mitterer (Edition edited by S. Mastandrea and S. Fagioli) should be studied as a whole, ENTIRELY, with some exceptions. In particular, of the following chapters only the paragraphs specified below are to be studied:
CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Psychology and Research Methods
CHAPTER 2, Brain and behavior
Study the following paragraphs ONLY:
ALL paragraph 2.5 with subparagraphs:
2.5.1 The cerebral hemispheres
2.5.2 The hemispheric specialization
2.5.3 The lobes of the cerebral cortex
ONLY subsection 2.6.4 The limbic system
CHAPTER 3, Sensation and reality
Study the following paragraphs ONLY:
3.2 Vision
3.3 Perception of colors
3.4 Dark adaptation
3.5 Hearing
CHAPTER 4: Attention
CHAPTER 5, Perceiving the World
Study EVERYTHING EXCEPT the paragraph
5.9 Extrasensory perception and paranormal phenomena
CHAPTER 6, States of Consciousness
The entire chapter is NOT to be studied
CHAPTER 7, Conditioning and Learning
Study EVERYTHING EXCEPT the paragraph
7.7 Partial Reinforcement: Las Vegas, Skinner's cage for humans?
CHAPTER 8: Memory
CHAPTER 9, Thought and mental images
Study EVERYTHING EXCEPT the paragraphs
9.4.4 Inferential cycle
9.6.3 Linear syllogisms
CHAPTER 10: Language and communication
CHAPTER 11: Intelligence
CHAPTER 12, Motivation
Study EVERYTHING EXCEPT the paragraph
12.2.2 Brain mechanisms of hunger
CHAPTER 13: Emotions
CHAPTER 14: Personality
The materials presented during lectures or in the Lab will be made available to students on the "formonline" platform, therefore no copy shop is authorized to sell them, and no site - outside the official channels of the University - is authorized to their dissemination.