The purpose of this course is to offer systemic reflections on the relationship between pedagogy and the professional activity of the socio-pedagogical educator (legally regulated by the recent 205/17 law) for individual and community wellbeing in present-day multicultural and globalised contexts. Epistemological issues belonging to pedagogical knowledge and its antinomies (nature/culture, individual/society, equality/difference, authority/freedom, theory/practice) they will explore, hlighting the planning and transformative dimension. They will explore educational settings for the different ages in life (from family to childcare services and elderly services) and from mental and social disadvantage facilities (prison) and emergency contexts, while building construction site-workshops toidentify strategies, resources and methods for the professional act. The organization includes lectures, seminar and laboratory activities with participatory teaching methods. Meetings will also be organized with experts and representatives of institutions and educational associations active in the territories.
(reference books)
Recommended texts
A text of your choice from: Sergio Tramma (2018), L'educatore imperfetto. Senso e complessità del lavoro educativo. Carrocci, Roma, Terza edizione. Anna Salerni, Giordana Szpunar (2019), Il professionista dell'educazione tra teoria e pratica, Edizioni Junior, Parma.
A text of your choice from: - L. Cerrocchi, L. Dozza (a cura di) (2019), Contesti educativi per il sociale. Progettualità, professioni e setting per le età della vita, Vol. I, FrancoAngeli, Milano. - L. Cerrocchi, L. Dozza (a cura di) (2020), Contesti educativi per il sociale. Progettualità, professioni e setting per il disagio e le emergenze, Vol. II., FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Three essays of your choice from: G. Annacontini, A. Vaccarelli, E. Zizioli (a cura di), Pedagogia dell’Emergenza. Concetti, linguaggi, metodologia, Progedit, Bari (in press). Case study of a setting: E. Zizioli (2021), Donne Detenute. Percorsi educativi di liberazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Reading a classic of your choice from: A. S. Makarenko (2009), La pedagogia scolastica sovietica, Armando, Roma. J. Dewey, Esperienza e educazione. Qualsiasi edizione purché integrale.