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20710400 DIDATTICA DEL CINEMA E DELL'AUDIOVISIVO 1 in Film, Television and Multimedial Production LM-65 UGENTI ELIO
The course aims to problematize the teaching of cinema and audiovisual disciplines in the broader context of media education, both from a theoretical and methodological point of view and from a pragmatic point of view. Starting from the redefinition of teaching strategies resulting from the increasingly frequent use of digital technologies in education, the first part of the course will focus on the presence and function of media in pedagogical practices, both as an object of study (media education and cinematographic language) as a support for teaching in many different disciplines (education through the media), paying specific attention to audiovisual media. In the second part of the course, media education will be put in dialogue with the most recent theories developed in the field of media studies and visual culture studies, to assess the effectiveness of some teaching strategies in the area of image education. Specific attention will be paid to: digital storytelling; educational tools; videocriticism practices (videoessay and desktop documentary); social media in educational practices.
(reference books)
- Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Media Education. Idea, metodo, ricerca, ELS La Scuola, Brescia 2017 - Lecture notes edited by the teacher