Introduction to Applied Geophysics: presentation of the course, historical background, applications, mathematical background: scalar and vectorial operations, divergencd, curl, gradient, matrix algebra.
Analysis of geophysical measurements: concepts of continuous and discrete signals, signal analysis: Fourier analysis, convolution and de-convolution, aliasing.
Gravimetry: historical background and geodey: universal law of gravitation, Laplace eq. and spherical harmonics, the gravitational potential, Mac Cullagh formula the geoid and reference ellipsoid, geoid anomalies, isostasy. gravimetric surveys: measrurements of absolute and relative gravity (gravimeters), survey pianification, corrections: instrumental drift, free-air, Bouguer and topography corrections. Bouguer and free-air anomalies. Data analysis and interpretation: filters, non-uniqueness of data inversion, anomaliees of simple geometric shapes (sphere, etc.), practical examples
Exercises/questionnaire at home Gravimetry: practical part: elaboration in matlab of a software for the forward calculation of gravity anomalies due to point-masses.
Seismics: Introduction to waves and vibrations, Eq. of D’Alembert, harmonic solution, seismic waves: review of elasticity: stress and strain , eq. of motion and seismic eq., P and S. waves Fermat principle: reflection and refractions models. Reflection sesimics: travel times, normal-move-out, surveys: acquisition, elaboration and interpretation (include concepts of horizontal and vertical resolution). Refraction seismics: travel times of bi-rifracted waves, delay time, sistems at n layers, inclined layer, concept of apparent velocity, calcolus of thickness and depth of the layers.Geophones and seismographs MASW: theory of surface waves: how they generate and types: Rayleigh e Love, dispersion, example of MASW (i.e. Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves) : reconstruction of dispersion curve, interpretation by means of data inversion. Site effects: technique of spectral ratios: basic concepts of wave amplification, notions on seismic noise and Nakamura technique.
Exercises/questionnaire at home
Geoelectrics: Coulomb law, current density, definition of electric field, Ohm's law, electric conductivity of materials and polarizzation of dielectric materials, Archie's law, arrays: Wenner, Schlumberger, dipole-dipole. Surveys: applied examples, vertical electric sounding (VES), pseudosection, concept of apparent resistivity, interpretation, basic notions on induced polariztion method and self-potential method.
Exercises/questionnaire at home
Inverse problems: introduction of data inversion: overdetermined and underdetermined problems, least-squares method and generalized inverse, data weighting, norm, data fit and model complexity. Concepth of non-uniqueness, non-linear approach (basic notions). Example of earthquake location and travel-time tomography
Tutorial on geoelectric inversion
Experimental field acuisition and data analysis in the laboratory of Geophysics
(reference books)
- Lectures in Italian about: Piersanti, Della Monica, Cammarano - An introduction to Geophysical Exploration: Keary, Brooks e Hill, Blackwell ed., - Fundamental of Geophysics, Lowrie, Cambridge ed.