The course will be carried out via lecutres in class on theoretical and a scientific report (thesis). This scientific report which will be carried out by the students in groups, will be constantly discussed during its evolution starting from the early stages of the course. The students will work independently on the thesis and will discuss the choices, design, testing etc. with the professor in clascs during the course. A regular dates a presentation will also be delivered to collegues to allow their involvemnet and learning process. The experimental activities of the thesis will be carried out at the Multifunctional Materials Labotatory.
The topics of the theoretical lectures will be related to:
Material's characterization - Microscopic and spectroscopic techniques
Metallic materials for offshore applications - Steinless steel, alluminum, titanium and alloys, non-ferrous materials. - Corrosion in humid environment of metallic materials and related topics - Passivation and prevention of corrosion - Coatings to protect from corrosion
Materiali polimerici e compositi in ambito offshore - Materiali polimerici idonei all’impiego, compositi in fibre di carbonio, compositi in fibre di vetro. - Criteri di progettazione di un materiale composito e correlazione caratteristiche/proprietà con tecnologie di produzione per compositi laminati e sandwich. - Degrado dei polimeri e dei compositi polimerici: creep, fatica, idrolizzazione, invecchiamento, fauling. - Protezione dei polimeri e dei compositi polimerici: rivestimenti, compounding, multilayer.
Materials for offshore structures - Concrete
Natural materials and their degradation in offshore structures
Structural health monitoring systems - sensors, active materials, and their functionalities
Seminars on special topics
(reference books)
lecture notes distributed via moodle