Derived from
20706102 GERMAN LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION 1 12CFU in Languages and Cultural-Linguistic Mediation L-12 LIPPERT SUSANNE
Introduction to the German Language
The module aims to introduce students to the study of the German language. We will cover teaching methods and learning strategies, the history of the German language, linguistic variation and the main difficulties of the German language for an Italian speaker. We will also touch on syntactic aspects. In addition, we will briefly introduce valence theory and its application to German, word formation, phonetics and phonology with the main differences of the two systems German and Italian, orthography (and the reform of German orthography), and finally, contrastive linguistics and language mediation.
(reference books)
D. Ponti, R. Buzzo Margari, M. Costa, Elementi di linguistica tedesca, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso 1999 (solo la prima parte: introduzione alla linguistica tedesca, pp. 13 – 110)