The laboratory medicine role in the clinical context. Elements of biomedical laboratory organization. The sectors of the biomedical laboratory. The roles and duties of the laboratory staff. Role of statistics in laboratory medicine. Evaluation of analytical performance: precision, trueness, limit of blank, limit of detection and sensitivity. Biological variability. Performance of a diagnostic test. Elements of metrology. Measurements and physical quantities in the laboratory. the pre-analytical phase. patient-related variability. Sample-related variability. Principles of immunochemistry. The immunochemical dosage. Immunochemical methods: turbidimetry and neplelometry. Enzymatic determinations. Muscle enzymes. Liver enzymes. Pancreatic enzymes. Bone enzymes. Clinical biochemistry of jaundice. Bilirubin metabolism. Classification of jaundice. Gilbert's syndrome and Crigler-Najjar syndrome. Neonatal jaundice. Protein diagnostics. Dyslipidemias. Lipoproteins: chylomicrons, VLDL and IDL, LDL, HDL, Apolipoproteins. Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins. Cardiovascular risk associated with dyslipidemia. Diagnosis of dyslipidemias. Treatment and therapy. Hematological diagnosis. Anemia: definition, causes and diagnosis. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, cell counts, erythrocyte indices, reticulocytes. Leukocyte formula. Laboratory test for platelet changes. Immunohematology. Erythrocyte blood group antigens. Antibodies. Antigen-antiboby reaction. Determination of group AB0, type D and Rh phenotype. Search for anti-erythrocyte antibodies. Direct and indirect Coombs test. Application of molecular biology to erythrocyte immunohematology. Hemostasis. Stages of haemostasis. Fibrinolysis. Congenital disorders of coagulation factors. PT, PTT, Fbg. Thrombin time. Anticoagulant therapy. Laboratory diagnostics of kidney diseases. Nitrogen. Urea. Creatinine. Estimation of glomerular filtrate. Low molecular weight plasma proteins. Proteinurias. Albuminuria. Physical, chemical and morphological urine examination. Electrolyte analysis. Water balance. Sodium and potassium balance. Blood gas analysis. Cardiac biomarkers. Study of the endocrine system. Pituitary gland. Thyroid. Testicle. Ovary. The laboratory role in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Screening and diagnosis. Srveillance. Fasting blood sugar. Post-prandial blood sugar. Oral glucose load curve. Chetonic bodies. Albuminuria. Glycated hemoglobin. Insulin and C petide. Tumor markers. Biological liquids. Cephalorachidian fluid examination. Clinical Molecular Biology. Type of test and biological sample. Susceptibility Diagnosis. Early diagnosis: newborn screening. Disease diagnosis: cystic fibrosis, x-linked diseases. Prenatal diagnosis of hereditary and non-hereditary genetic diseases. Chronic myeloid leukemia. Inflammation biomarkers. C-reactive protein. VES. Pro calcitonin. Sepsis biomarkers. Mass spectrometry in clinical biochemistry and laboratory medicine. Drugs of abuse. Neonatal screening. Proteomics
(reference books)
M. Ciaccio, G. Lippi - Biochimica clinica e medicina di laboratorio - Edises Universitaria, Ed. II/2018. H. Loffler, J. Rastetter - Atlante di ematologia clinica - Antonio Delfino Editore, Ed. V.