To learn how to acquire, analyze and critically evaluate experimental data related to: interaction between receptors and ligands, enzymatic activity, optical spectroscopy The programs is divided into: 1) Study of the interaction between receptors and ligands: methods at equilibrium and transient kinetics: a) At equilibrium (thermodynamic parameters: Kd: dissociation constant at equilibrium, cooperativity, number of binding sites) b) Rapid kinetics (kinetic parameters: k: velocity constants) 2) Study of enzymatic activity: steady state kinetics a) In Steady State (when [ES] is almost constant during experimental observation) b) In the presence of inhibitors 3) Time-resolved optical spectroscopy and complex kinetics 4) Absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence and circular dichroism
(reference books)
Recommended textbooks: M. C. Bonaccorsi di Patti et al. Metodologie Biochimiche - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana Ninfa/Ballou Metodologie di base per la Biochimica e la Biotecnologia - ed. Zanichelli Reed et al. Metodologie di Base per le Scienze Biomolecolari- ed. Zanichelli P. Silvestroni, Fondamenti di chimica - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana D.M. Etter Introduction to MATLAB 7– Pearson Education, Inc.
Software to use EXCEL (Office) or CALC (Open Office) * (for linear methods) MATLAB (Mathworks) or OCTAVE (GNU Octave) * (for spectral analysis and non-linear methods) GEPASI (P. Mendes et al.) * Or COPASI (Copasi dev. Group) * (for complex reactions) (*) indicates free software Lecture notes and calculation exercises will be provided
The professor receives every day from 8.00 to 9.00 by appointment via e-mail: giovanni.antonini@uniroma3.it