1 Energy sustainability and renewable energy sources. sustainable development, CO2 emissions (carbon cycle) and other greenhouse gases; renewable energy sources (outline): wind, hydroelectric, geothermal 2 Nuclear chemistry. Mass defect, radioactive decays, decay kinetics, radioactivity measurement. Fission: enriched uranium, enrichment processes. Fusion: confinement of inertial and magnetic plasma. Superconducting materials. 3 Use and deposition techniques of thin films 4 Review of chemical bond models; hints of molecular orbital theory; HOMO & LUMO; O.M. and band theory 5 Elements of organic chemistry 6 Solar thermal and photovoltaic: p-n junction, traditional cells, operating mechanism, materials. Organic cells: DSSC, small molecule organic solar cell, polymer solar cell. LED, OLED. Silicon technology: purification and crystallization (Siemens and Czochralski processes); zone refining 7 Surface investigation techniques: SEM, EDX, AFM, FTIR 8 Review of electrochemistry. Elements of electrical conductivity of solutions: electronic and ionic conductors; outline of the structure of solids (crystal lattice, Miller indices, defects). Electrical interphase; conductance (Law of independent migration of ions); polarizable and non-polarizable electrode; double layer and electrode potential; Nernst equation. Electrodes and electrochemical cells; voltaic cell, Daniell's stack; electrolysis cell; metal corrosion. Batteries; primary and secondary. Fuel cells
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