Violence and political violence: movements, socialisation and individualisation - Defining terrorism, defining radicalisation - Factors of radicalisation - Communication and radicalisation - Theory and models on terrorism and radicalisation - Gender and radicalisation - De-radicalisation and counter-radicalisation: introductory notes - Sources, methodologies and tools in terrorism and radicalisation studies: a case-study about young people facing to radicalisation.
(reference books)
Attending students: - Orsini A, Teorie sociologiche classiche e contemporanee, UTET 2021 [JUST CHAPTERS: 9 E 12]. - Antonelli F., Radicalizzazione, Milano, Mondadori 2021. - Papers selected by the professor.
Non-attending students: - Orsini A, Teorie sociologiche classiche e contemporanee, UTET 2021 [JUST CHAPTERS: 9 E 12]. - Antonelli F., Radicalizzazione, Milano, Mondadori 2021. - Papers selected by the professor. - Marinone L., Antonelli F. (eds.), How to Explain Radicalisation? Comparing the Drivers of Far-Right, Far-Left, Separatism and Religious Extremism, Mimesis International, 2022.