"The protean face of Franco's Spain between novel and intermediality". The course focuses on the study of metropolitan, provincial and rural society in post-war Spain in some texts from the contemporary novelistic canon, later adapted for cinema and television. The aim is to refine practical and theoretical skills in the analysis of narrative texts, as well as to provide the necessary tools and methodologies for the study of filmic texts. Finally, an initial reflection will be made on the problems related to the teaching of literature and the integration of audiovisual texts for the development of literary skills in Spanish L2 learners.
(reference books)
• Camilo José Cela, La colmena, ed. J. Urrutia, Madrid, Cátedra; • Carmen Martín Gaite, Entre visillos, Barcelona, Destino; • Miguel Delibes, Los santos inocentes, ed. D. Ródenas de Moya, Barcelona, Crítica.
FILMIC TEXTS • La colmena (1982) / dir. Mario Camus; guion José Luis Dibildos. • Entre visillos (1974) / dir. Miguel Picazo; guion Esmeralda Adam García, Carmen Martín Gaite. • Los santos inocentes (1984) / dir. Mario Camus; guion Antonio Larreta, Manuel Matji, Mario Camus.