The laboratory 2M is the place of the natural development of the skills acquired in previous laboratory 1M. Its objective is to achieve a product comparable to what - in the current legislation in Italy - usually is defined as the final project, through the acquisition of a design sensibility oriented towards realism and based on the close integration of the contributions of the four specialist teaching modules, which allows cross-checking to be able to produce a reasonably achievable project. The design studio’s goal is to achieve a product comparable to what the Italian legislation usually defines as “final design”. It is, in other words, to put students in conditions, starting from the needs of the construction, to manage the simultaneous presence of specialist contributions (composition, structural, regulations, technological, environmental, technical physics, economic) involved in an achievable architectural project.
21002034 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
The design studio’s goal is to achieve a product comparable to what the Italian legislation usually defines as “final design”. It is, in other words, to put students in conditions, starting from the needs of the construction, to manage the simultaneous presence of specialist contributions (composition, structural, regulations, technological, environmental, technical physics, economic) involved in an achievable architectural project.
21002034-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The project developed in the design studio 2m is the natural continuation of what started in the design studio 1m. The prerequisite for registration is to have followed the previous design studio 1M in the same channel. The topic is a medium complexity architectural project, on which the cross-checks of the four teaching modules converge: Architectural and Urban Composition, Architectural Technology, Technical Physics, Economic evaluation of the project. The main topics concern: - Criteria for liveability of the space - Architecture and construction - Relationships between shapes and materials - Normative references on building construction - Representation and communication of the construction project - Plant engineering and environmental elements - Advanced materials and construction procedures - Details of alternative construction solutions - Economic evaluation of the design procedures - Checking the feasibility
(reference books)
AA.VV, La concezione struttrurale, Ingegneria e architettura in Italia negli anni cinquanta e sessanta. Allemandi 2008 AA.VV, Riccardo Morandi, Gangemi 1992 C. BALMOND, Informal, Prestel 2002 R. BANHAM, Ambiente e tecnica nell'architettura moderna, Laterza 1993 E.L. BOULLEE, Architettura saggio sull'arte, Marsilio 1977 K. BOTTICHER, Tettonica e architettura, in F. Dal Co, Teorie del Moderno Laterza 1982 C.CARUSO, Sigurd Lewerentz and a material basis for form, in S. Lewerentz two Churches, AAVV Arkitektur Forlag AB 1997 J. CONZETT, Architettura nelle opere d'ingegneria, a cura di M. A. Chiorino, ed. Allemandi J. CONZETT, Forme di strutture, Electa 2011 F. DAL CO (a cura di), Storia dell’architettura italiana. Il secondo Novecento, Electa, Milano 1997 S. DI PASQUALE, L’arte del costruire, Marsilio, Venezia 1996 K. FRAMPTON, Tettonica e architettura. Poetica della forma architettonica nel XIX e XX sec., Skira, 1999 G. GARGIANI, R. FANELLI, Auguste Perret, Laterza 2002 G. GRASSI, Leo Battista Alberti e l'Architettura Romana, Franco Angeli 2000 L. I. KAHN, Idea e immagine, a cura di C. NORBERG-SCHULZ, Officina, Roma 1987 L. I. KAHN, Architettura è, gli scritti, a cura di M. BONAIUTI, Electa, Milano 2002 S. GIEDION, L'eterno presente: uno studio sulla costanza e il mutamento. Le origini dell'arte, 2 voll.,Feltrinelli, Milano 1969 C. MARTI' ARIS, Le variazioni dell'identità, Città studi 1996 R. MASIERO, Livio Vacchini, Electa 1999 C. MOCCIA, Architettura e costruzione, Aiòn, 2012 A. MONESTIROLI, La metopa e il trigrifo, Nove lezioni di architettura. Laterza 2004 A. MONESTIROLI, Le forme e il tempo in Mies Van der Rohe ,L. Hilberseimer, Clup 1984 P.L. NERVI, Nuove strutture, Ed. Continuità 1963 P.L. NERVI, Costruire correttamente, Hoepli 1955 D. PIKIONIS , A sentimental topography,a cura di A. Ferlenga, Electa, Milano 2002 G. PONTI, Amate l'architettura, Società editrice Vitali e Ghianda, Genova 1957 S. PORETTI, Modernismi Italiani, Gangemi 2008 A. ROSSI, Autobiografia scientifica, Il Saggiatore 2013 QUETREMERE DE QUINCY, Dizionario storico di architettura, F.lli Negretti 1842 P. SCHMITTENER, La forma costruita, Electa 1988 A. SIZA Scritti di architettura, Electa, Milano 1997 G. SEMPER, Lo stile nelle arti tettoniche o estetica pratica, Laterza 1992 A. SAGGIO, Architettura e modernità, Carocci 2010 M. TAFURI, Storia dell’architettura italiana 1944-1981, Einaudi, Torino 1985 M. TAFURI, F. Dal Co, Architettura Contemporanea, Electa, Milano 1976 E.TESSENOW, Considerazioni elementari sul costruire, Franco Angeli ed., 1974 E.TESSENOW, Il tetto (1927), in M. DE BENEDETTI, A. PRACCHI, Antologia dell’architettura moderna. Testi, manifesti, utopie, Zanichelli, Bologna 1988 E. TORROJA, La concezione strutturale, Hoepli Milano 1960 M. VAN DER ROHE, Costruire (1923), Architettura e volontà dell’epoca (1924), in M. DE M. DE BENEDETTI, A. PRACCHI, Antologia dell’architettura moderna. Testi, manifesti, utopie, Zanichelli, Bologna 1988 M. VAN DER ROHE, Gli scritti e le parole, Einaudi 2010 J. UTZON, Platforms and plateau: ideas of a Danish architecture, in Zodiac, n. 10, 1962 R. VENTURI, Complessità e contraddizioni nell’architettura, Dedalo, Bari 1980 (New York 1966) P. ZERMANI, Architettura, luogo, tempo, luce, silenzio, Electa 2015 E. VIOLLET-LE-DUC, L'architettura ragionata, Jaca Book, Milano 1981 E. VIOLLET-LE-DUC, Conversazioni sull'architettura, Jaca Book, Milano 1990 P. ZUMTHOR, Pensare architettura, Electa, Firenze 2003 P. ZUMTHOR, Atmosfere. Ambienti architettonici. Le cose che ci circondano, Electa, Milano, 2007
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
Merlo Mauro
The aim of the Design Studio is to develop the final design for an office building in the Ostiense area of Rome, which will be defined in its preliminary design during the Design Studio 1M (Fall semester). The didactic is divided in three seminars which correspond to the different disciplines converging in the Design Studio: 1_redefinition and in-depth study of the project with specific evaluation of economic and financial aspects; 2- in-depth study of technological and construction solutions, in-depth study of design aspects related to plant design, energy assessment and development of bioclimatic solutions; 3- redefinition and in-depth study of the architectural and distributive aspects of the building; In the last part of the Design Studio students will be asked to synthetize the results of the four seminars into their final work.
(reference books)
P. Desideri (1978), "Pier Luigi Nervi", Zanichelli, Bologna P. Desideri (1995), "La città di latta", Costa & Nolan, Genova P. Desideri (2002), "Ex-city", Meltemi, Roma P. Desideri (2004), "International Style?", Meltemi, Roma
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
The design studio’s goals for the building construction design are to increase the students awareness of the complex transformation process of an architectural idea in a real building. The student competence to create coherence regarding content and design subject is our main aims.
21002034-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The aim of the course is to provide all the appropriate tools for students to manage design relations between materials, building elements, working techniques, requirements and regulations involved since the concept design. All that fully aware of the strong link between typological-stylish features and technological-architectural ones of the building conceived as a whole of interrelated and organized parts, according to a systemic and performance design approach.
(reference books)
Watts A., Modern Construction Handbook, Springer, Vienna and New York, 2001
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The aim of the Building Technology Module is to provide all the appropriate tools for students to manage design relations between materials, building elements, working techniques, requirements, and regulations involved since the concept design. All that fully aware of the strong link between typological-stylish features and technological-architectural ones of the building conceived as a whole of interrelated and organized parts, according to a systemic and performance design approach. To this end, the program is divided into three parts: 1_in the first part, and with reference to examples of contemporary architecture, the main technological solutions are examined with particular attention to structural elements (foundations, vertical and horizontal structures, floors) and envelope; 2 in the second part, manufacturers of building components will be asked to illustrate to the students the technical characteristics useful for the elaboration of the design project; 3_the third part will be dedicated to design project reviews.
(reference books)
AA.VV. [Varie]. Grandi Atlanti dell’Architettura, UTET, Milano. Allen E., I fondamenti del costruire, Milano 1997 Arbizzani E., Tecnologia dei sistemi edilizi. Progetto e costruzione, Rimini 2011
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The design studio’s goals for the building construction design are to increase the students awareness of the complex transformation process of an architectural idea in a real building. The student competence to create coherence regarding content and design subject is our main aims.
21002034-3 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The work that takes place in the applied physics for architecture module 2M, aims to bring the work done in the previous 1M Laboratory to a final design level.
In particular, the program that will be carried out during the course and which will be the subject of discussion during the final exam is structured as follows: 1. Verification of the choices defined during the course of the 1M Lab, in relation to the overall design evolution, with particular reference to the following points: 2. Sizing / verification of the dimensions of the glass surfaces in 2 environments (one, to represent the large spaces that characterize the common environments, one, the private space of the rooms) through the method of calculating the daylight factor. 3. Approximate calculation of summer and winter heat loads and ventilation requirements; verification of compliance with current regulations regarding the containment of energy consumption 4. Location and approximate dimensioning of the technological plants: thermal power plant, refrigeration plant, environments that contain the air treatment units. 5. Distribution diagram of air channels and their dimensioning limited to the critical path (longer and more articulated path) 6. Acoustic design of 2 rooms (one large space that characterizes the common areas, and a second one that represents the private space of the rooms) 7. Passive fire prevention design: identification of escape routes, emergency exits, compartmentalization 8. Concept design of the artificial lighting system, as one of the elements characterizing the style and atmosphere of the hotel, in relation to the target audience of reference 9. Building Automation (domotics) for rooms and common areas
(reference books)
Teaching material consists of the handsouts available online, integrated on the single topics by the below listed book
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The lectures review basic subjects as heat transfer, psycrometrics, climatic conditions, thermal and visual comfort and are focused on their relation with energy and environmental performance of the buildings. Heating and cooling loads. Passive (bioclimatic architecture) and active (plants, building services..) systems are also illustrated in the lessons. Students will deal with the following topics:
1. Building Envelope design, focusing on energetic behavior and thermal properties. 2. Heating and cooling loads estimation. 3. Building plants and mechanical services integration in architecture – Location and sizing. 4. HVAC systems type choice, design and distribution. 5. Solar Technologies integration in buildings for heating and electricity production. 6. Daylighting, FLD calculation. 7. Acoustics.
(reference books)
DALL’O G., Architettura e impianti, CittaStudiEdizioni CAMMARATA G., IMPIANTI TERMOTECNICI, UNIV. DI CATANIA, 2009
Didactic material will be made available during the course
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
Among the first tasks, so that the project has completed development, you have to know what a "Feasibility Study". It aims to verify the general assumptions and conditions of the context in which it intends to develop the project initiative. To it, then, the task of building a framework for the subsequent need for further study. The areas of the Feasibility Study will include: • technical feasibility; • environmental compatibility; • financial sustainability; • economic and social convenience; • Risk and sensitivity analysis (possible changes); • implementation procedures.
21002034-4 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The Real Estate Appraisal and Investment Valuation (REAIV) Course introduces the student to the vision of the interdependencies between the estimative, economic, architectural and technological aspects of the architectural project at different scales, from the building project to the urban project. The Course will be developed in parallel with the Urban Markets and Real Estate Operators (UMREO) Course, of which, although it is not to be considered a constraint, attendance is recommended. The context in which the costs and prices of architecture as a commodity are formed will be studied in depth during the UMREO Course. In consideration of the specificity of the Assessment Course - specialist contribution to the 2M Architectural Design Workshop- the contents can be summarized as follows. The course is structured in four main conceptual sections: the. The first section - Understanding the Project Development Process - examines the stages of the project development cycle and the roles of key players in the construction process. ii. The second section - Project Initial Costs and Cost Variation Factors - explains the main elements in estimating initial costs for a project, as well as reviewing some of the many factors that lead to changes to the original estimate. iii. The third section - Cost control methods - discusses how project cost and time control can be improved through risk management and a more realistic estimate of emergency budgets. iv. The final section - An Approach to Cost Assessment and Monitoring - provides a step-by-step guide to improving cost monitoring of architecture projects. In parallel with the in-depth analyzes related to the formation of intervention costs, useful elements will be provided to estimate the real estate value of the project. With this second family of data we will proceed with the development of the economic and financial feasibility study, verifying the plausibility and sustainability of the project in the market conditions characteristic of the time and place in which it takes place.
(reference books)
The bibliography consists mainly of materials from Italian and international professional practice and will be distributed at the end of each lesson.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation