Presentation of the problems that can be treated through integrals on large number of dimensions
Probability and Random variables
Measurement, uncertainty and its propagation
Curve-fitting, least-squares, optimization
Classical numerical integration, speed of convergence
Integration MC (Mean, variance)
Sampling Strategies
Propagation of uncertainties
Generation according to a distribution
Real World Applications
Cosmic Rays Shower
System Availabilty
Further applications
(reference books)
Weinzierl, S. - Introduction to Monte Carlo methods arXiv:hep-ph/0006269
Taylor, J. - Introduzione all'analisi degli errori : lo studio delle incertezze nelle misure fisiche - Zanichelli Disponibile nella biblioteca Scientifica di Roma Tre
Dubi, A. - Monte Carlo applications in systems engineering - Wiley Disponibile nella biblioteca Scientifica di Roma Tre