• 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. General topics and definitions 1.2. Historical overview 1.3. Dynamic and static models 1.4. Effects of instability, Burns & Stalker's model 1.4. Current Scenario and evolutionary trends
• 2. STRUCTURES 2.1. Definitions 2.2. Delegation/Proxy concept 2.3. Structuring resources, types of Organizational Structures and operation 2.4. Committees 2.5. Organizational structures and structural evolution: Mintzberg's view 2.6. Hierarchical Line: Jaques' view 2.7. Organizational Structure vs processes 2.8. Networks
• 3 MOTIVATION 3.1. The human needs according to Maslow and Herzberg 3.2. Motivation and demotivation 3.3. The human work according to Jaques 3.4. Relationship between individual and organization 3.5. Psychological issues of delegation
• 4 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 4.1. Spontaneous (local) groups 4.2. Development of a culture within a spontaneous group 4.3. Work teams 4.4. The organizational structure as an aggregate of groups, analysis of its culture
• 5 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 5.1. Organizational functions related to H.R. management and development 5.2. Selecting, Evaluating, Educating, career and replacement planning 5.3. Compensation planning
• 6 MICROORGANIZATION 6.1. Organization Documentation 6.2. Documenting the organizational structure 6.3. Procedures and processes 6.4. Organizational analysis • ORGANIZATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP LABORATORY (choice of topics for group work; the first two topics are anyway treated; not treated topics are put out of program) – INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1. Organization and information integration 2. Information as empowering factor 3. Resourses, processes and informative flows 4. IT architectures and systems 5. Computing integration and ERP systems
– QUALITY SYSTEMS 1. The Quality concept and its historical evolution 2. From Quality Control to Total Quality, organization and tools 3. ISO9000 norms and certification 4. EFQM
– PRODUCT VS MARKET ANALYSIS 1. Strategy and strategic planning 2. Competitive Positioning, SBA and SBU 3. The Boston and Mc Kinsey growth–share matrixes, portfolio analysis 4. SWOT analysis
– PROCESSES 1. Process concept 2. Process modelling 3. Process evaluation 4. Process reengineering
– BUSINESS PLAN 1. Scopes and usefulness 2. Structure 3. Development 4. Contents and analysis tools
– AUTHORITY AND POWER 1. Authority and power concepts 2. Bureaucracies and boss-worker relation (Jaques) 3. Interactions within a social network with structure and roles (Jaques) 4. Basis, characteristics and practice of power in the organizations (Mintzberg) 5. Alliances
(reference books)