The models of the judicial system - The historical events of the laws on the judiciary - Constitutional principles and current sources of the judiciary. - The Superior Council of the Judiciary. - The position of the Minister of Justice and its relations with the C.S.M - The organization of the ordinary judiciary and the career of judges. - The Public Prosecutor in the Constitution and legislation. - The civil and disciplinary liability of judges. - Unity and plurality of jurisdiction and the repercussions on organizational models. - The judge, conventional international law and European law. - The difficult relationship between jurisdiction and politics
(reference books)
Students attending the course
F. Dal Canto, Lezioni di ordinamento giudiziario, Torino, Giappichelli, 2018, excluding chapters: I, II, XI, XIV (par. da 9 a 17) e XV G. Serges, Profili costituzionali delle riforme processuali e dell’ordinamento giudiziario, in Diritto e Società, 2/2022, pp. 245-290 Non-attending students
F. Dal Canto, Lezioni di ordinamento giudiziario, Torino, Giappichelli, 2018 G. Serges, Profili costituzionali delle riforme processuali e dell’ordinamento giudiziario, in Diritto e Società, 2/2022, pp. 245-290