Derived from
The course consists of lectures, discussion of business cases and exercises and includes external testimonies too. Attendance to the course and active participation are strongly recommended. The program is divided into the following topics:
1) Principles of Innovation Management e Digital Entrepreneurship:The role of this module is to introduce the students to the digital entrepreneurial world where businesses exploit modern technologies in order to gain a strategic advantage over their competitors when entering the market. By distinguishing among the different types of business this module delineates the series of steps that an entrepreneur should understand and follow to successfully establish a digital-driven business and outlines the risks and challenges to be aware of along the entrepreneurial journey with a focus on digital-based products and services and with an international outlook. The module also features digital start-up success stories that leveraged the dynamics of digital technologies and achieved great growth rates as well as high revenues.
2) Market-driven management:The module proposes a comprehensive analysis of customer-centric product and Market-driven management in the context of strategic and operational marketing processes, exploring issues related to changes in the market environment: innovations enabled by digital technologies, the urgency of environmental issues, new pandemic challenges, ethical issues and changes in consumer values and behaviour, while maintaining an international focus and perspective.
3) Product development: this module explores challenges and implications that corporate management will face in attempting to adapt to new product development approaches in accordance with the lean thinking perspective. The module introduces the concept of product from the marketing perspective, how companies come about new product, product development options, and the various strategies available to a company to manage new and existing products
4) Business Model:this module introduces the role of Business Model in product development, how business models enable companies to translate product’s value into revenue, understanding customers segments, pricing and distribution.
5) Ideation: this module introduces the ideation techniques used to generate new ideas in an opportunity space, considering political, economical, social, technological, legal and environmental dynamics (PESTLE analysis). It is also aimed to illustrate the idea definition techniques required to make an idea Customer-Oriented, by defining clients, users, goal, problem, value proposition and user experience (Product Canvas).
6) Go-to-market:this module describes the go-to-market process, made by the definition of the touchpoints to be used, the building of the artifacts required (baits), the launch and the tracking of the results.
7)Prototyping:this module describes the process of construction of a prototype which is aimed to simulate the user experience of the final product.
(reference books)
- Best, R. Market-based management, Pearson (Ult. Ed.) - Slides and supporting material provided by lecturers.