The course consists of a basic course and a monographic part. The basic course is focused on History of pedagogical ideas from the ancient age till the second half of the Twentieth century, with particular consideration to the thought of some of the most important and significant Authors in Western history of thought. Particular attention will be devoted to the thoughts of John Dewey by reading 'School and Society' (1899). The monographic part, on the other hand, is dedicated to history of childhood in the Western World between the Seventeenth and Twentieth centuries, through the analysis of a variety of historiographic sources, from the discovery of the feeling of childhood and the identification of a new idea of childhood, to the evolution of family relationships in the Western World, as well as the transformation of actual educational practices.
(reference books)
1) Saverio Santamaita, Storia dell’educazione e delle pedagogie, Pearson, MyLab, 2019 (e-book) 2) Francesca Borruso, Infanzie. Percorsi storico-educativi fra immaginario e realtà, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2019. 3) John Dewey, Scuola e società, (introduction by F. Borruso), Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma 2018.