Who am I? Modern and contemporary images of the ego
This course aims to focus on the formation of the modern Self and the way we conceive of ourselves as subjects and as persons. In fact, our society is undoubtedly based on the individual, conceived as a Self. It comes from a complex path, which implies a certain way of experiencing interiority, of conceiving our subjectivity, of positing in a new way the sense of Self in relation to the others.
The program will be divided into two steps: 1) a more properly historical-philosophical part, in which to analyze the development of the notions of Soul, Self, Subject. The two main authors of this itinerary will be St. Augustine and John Locke; 2) an analysis of how we conceive of ourselves today, in the context of the contemporary society, marked by strongly individualistic drives.
(reference books)
About the first part, the following texts will be addressed: Agostino, Le Confessioni, tr. it. M. Bettetini, Einaudi, Torino 2015. J. Locke, Saggio sull'intelligenza umana, libro II, cc. 23-27, tr. it. C. Pellizzi, G. Farina, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2011, pp. 325-403. About the second part: C. Taylor, Il disagio della modernità, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006. G. Lipovetski, L'era del vuoto. Saggi sull'individualismo contemporaneo, Luni Editrice, Milano 2013, pp. 1-149
Other complementary materials will be made available during the course.