Mole' Maria Alessandra
TEACHING PROGRAM: The goal of training is to enable students to become aware of the diversity of the contributions produced by contemporary sociology, both on the micro-sociological side and the macro-sociological one, and therefore by considering two main aspects: the social interaction on the one hand, the social change on the other. For this reason, the course program aims at offering an overview of contemporary international sociological theory and will focus mainly on contributions from the second half of the Twentieth Century and the beginning of the Twenty-First Century (for example, Garfinkel, Goffman, Sacks, Foucault etc.), but not only on that: actually, even if we will start from the Fifties of the last century, in rare cases we will mention some previous reference points (authors; for example, Mead).
(reference books)
A) George Ritzer, “Teoria sociologica, Radici classiche e sfide contemporanee”, Maggioli-Apogeo, Santarcangelo di Romagna-Milano, 2012-2014. Capitoli 1, 2 (da pag 19 a pag 26), 3 (da pag 72 a 82), 4 (da pag 113 a 121), 6, 7 (da pag 241 a 264), 8, 9, 10. B) Andrea Spreafico, “Le vie della comunità. Legami sociali e differenze culturali”, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005. Capitoli 1 (da pag 17 a pag 62 e da pag 75 a pag 94, 2 (da pag 121 a pag 190). C) Andrea Spreafico, Maria Alessandra Molè, “Sociologia della risata come realizzazione pratico-interazionale”, L’Harmattan, Torino, 2020. Sezioni 9, 10, 13.