The course is divided into two parts. In the first part we will analyse: the contents and basic competences of Docimology; evaluation as an essential component of the didactic relationship and of the educational project; analysis and application of the different models and techniques for evaluating the process and the product of education (in terms of methods, tools, criteria). In the second part of the course we will analyse: performance measurement, interpretation of results; some models on adult learning; some international comparative surveys on adult literacy (OECD PIAAC). Detailed programme of the Course: - Birth and development of docimology; - Evaluation, educational action and cultural proposal; - Didactic choices and functions of evaluation; - Evaluation as a strategic dimension of the educational process; - Measurement: Docimological aspects; - Evaluation scales; - Criteria test and normative test; - Assessing reading and writing comprehension; - Analysis of the objectives and questions of the structured test; - Evaluation of the semi-structured test; - Collection, analysis and interpretation of data - Communication of the evaluation; - Definition and aims of Lifelong Learning in the knowledge society; - Social contexts on adult learning; - Main theories and models on adult learning (andragogy, self-directed learning, transformative learning, experience and learning); - International comparative surveys on adult literacy (OECD PIAAC).
(reference books)
1. NIRCHI, S., SIMEONE, D. (2022), La qualità della valutazione educativa. Verifica e valutazione degli apprendimenti. Nuova edizione ampliata e aggiornata, Roma: Anicia; 2. KNOWLES, M.S., HOLTON E.F. III, SWANSON, R.A. (2016). Quando l’adulto impara. Andragogia e sviluppo della persona. Milano: FrancoAngeli.