The first part of the master's course deals with the conceptual categories of changes and social changes, as well as some tools for reading and analysing them. In a second part, some relevant contemporary phenomena will be addressed, also through specific thematic seminars, such as, for example: poverty and inequalities, changes and transformations in health; social changes and articulation of response systems (organised solidarity and public and private bodies). The aim is to enable students to acquire theoretical and analytical skills which, in an analogical sense, are reflected in practice for a theory of practice.
(reference books)
1. a basic text to choose from: Ambrosini A., Sciolla L. (2015), Sociologia, Mondadori Education, Milano. Chirot D. (2010), Sociologia del mutamento. Come cambiano le società, il Mulino, Bologna.
2. a text to choose from: Berti F., Valzania A. (2020) (a cura di), Precarizzazione delle sfere di vita e disuguaglianze, FrancoAngeli, Milano. Giancola O., Salmieri L. (2020) (a cura di), Sociologia delle disuguaglianze. Teorie, metodi, ambiti, Carocci, Roma. Wilkinson R., Pickett K. (2019), L'equilibrio dell'anima. Perchè l'uguaglianza ci farebbe vivere meglio, Feltrinelli, Milano. Harari Y.N. (2018), Sapiens. Da animali a dèi. Breve storia dell'umanità, Bompiani, Milano.