One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis. Spanish Literature II is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literatures" area. It allows students to deepen their knowledge of Spanish Literature in the period between the 16th and 21st centuries, with special attention to intercultural dynamics and the theoretical-methodological debate; it helps students master the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis. At the end of the module, students will reach a good critical ability in the interpretation of exemplary texts in the original language, as well as the necessary competence for oral rewording, translation, rewriting and adaptation in Italian of the texts themselves. They will also be able to re-elaborate and communicate disciplinary knowledge in a specialized and non-specialized intercultural context. Pre-requisite: Spanish Literature I; Spanish Language and Translation I
20710229 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Group: A - L
S. Pezzini, Group A-L, II Semestre
The course aims to analyse in a diachronic perspective some canonical texts of Spanish fiction. In particular, the evolution of narrative voice and point of view will be explored. The student will therefore be given a good knowledge of Spanish fiction from its beginnings to the early twentieth century through the reading and narratological analysis of the texts in the programme and will explore the historical and cultural context to which they belong.
(reference books)
Texts (the editions indicated as compulsory are part of the examination programme):
• Anonimo, Lazarillo de Tormes, a cura di A. Gargano, Venezia, Marsilio (edizione obbligatoria); • Cervantes, Novelas ejemplares: “Rinconete y cortadillo”, “El coloquio de los perros”, “El celoso extremeño”, Madrid, Cátedra (disponibili anche su cervantesvirtual.com); • Mariano José de Larra, Artículos de costumbres (selezione di 3 articoli forniti dalla docente); • Benito Pérez Galdós, Tristana, Madrid, Cátedra (edizione obbligatoria); • Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín”, “¡Adiós, Cordera!”, “El dúo de la tos”, “Dos sabios” (forniti dalla docente); • Miguel de Unamuno, Niebla, ed. M. J. Valdés, Madrid, Cátedra (edizione obbligatoria).
Critique and Notions of Literary History
-L. Rodríguez Cacho Manual de historia de la literatura española vol. I e II. Madrid, Castalia (parti assegnate dalla docente all’inizio del corso); -F. Antonucci, Il Novecento letterario spagnolo, percorsi, Pisa, ETS (unità 6); -L. Chines, C. Varotti, Che cos’è un testo letterario, Roma Carrocci (cap. 3); -Le introduzioni e le note delle edizioni indicate (vedi sezioni “TESTI”); -Altri materiali critici integrativi forniti dalla docente.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
Group: M - Z
Through the critical reading of a selection of canonical prose texts from Spanish literature and culture between the sixteenth and early twentieth centuries, the student will be guided in the acquisition of specific historical-cultural and methodological skills. He will also have the opportunity to apply the skills acquired during exercises and sharing in the classroom. In particular, the course is aimed at exploring the aesthetic, literary and textual strategies implemented, in the time frame under study, for the symbolic construction and problematic representation of national identity (social, political, cultural), inviting the student to follow its evolutionary lines from the imperial era to the crisis of the end of the 19th century.
EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS A) Historical, literary and cultural skills - Spain as a problem: origins and evolution of the dialectic between the so-called "dos Españas"; - Evolutionary lines of Spanish society between the sixteenth and the first decades of the twentieth century; - Evolutionary lines of Spanish culture between the Siglo de Oro and Modernism.
B) Methodological skills - Methods of approach to historical, social and cultural phenomena; - Methods of approach to literary phenomena, with particular attention to the differences and hybridizations between genres in prose, as well as the diachronic evolution of each of them; - Methods of analysis of the prose text (stylistic-formal and narratological approach, with particular attention to the question of point of view).
(reference books)
• Anonimo, Lazarillo de Tormes, a cura di A. Gargano, Venezia, Marsilio (edizione alternativa: Lazarillo de Tormes, ed. Francisco Rico, Madrid, Cátedra); • José Cadalso, Cartas marruecas, qualsiasi edizione spagnola; • Mariano José de Larra, una selezione di artículos forniti dal docente; • Benito Pérez Galdós, Doña Perfecta, Madrid, Cátedra (disponibile anche in e-book) • Estratti da M. de Unamuno, En torno al casticismo e Á. Ganivet, Idearium español (messi a disposizione dal docente);) • Pío Baroja, El árbol de la ciencia, Madrid, Cátedra
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam