The course is divided into two parts and focuses on the analysis of the main aspects of the European integration process and the results achieved in the implementation of the CFSP and the area offreedom, security and justice. In the first part, the institutional structure of the Union, the system of sources, the decision-making process, judicial protection and the relationship between Union law and States’ legal orders will be examined. In the second part, the most relevant results achieved in the construction of the area of freedom, security and justice will be examined with particular reference to the free movement of persons, immigration and border control policy, the common policy on asylum and international protection, police cooperation. The course includes the presentation and discussion, also in seminar form, of the most relevant judgments of the Court of Justice.
(reference books)
The program includes the study of both texts indicated below:
General part:
Adinolfi A., Morviducci C., Elementi di Diritto dell’Unione europea. Sistema istituzionale, circolazione delle persone, politica estera e di sicurezza comune, Torino, 2020;
Special Part:
G. Caggiano, Scritti sul diritto europeo dell’immigrazione, Torino, 2020.