21210129 Development economics in Environment and Development Economics LM-56 D'AGOSTINO GIORGIO
Preliminaries - 1.development economics, an overview; 2.what is Development? 3.history of thought; 4.the state of development. Poverty reduction - theory and empirical issues. Labour & migration. Social programs. Economic growth - 1.stylized facts; 2.the Solow Model; 3.applying the model; 4.public spending & economic growth. Conflict - 1.determinants of conflict; 2.conflict & development; 3.post-conflict.
(reference books)
Alain De Janvry & Elisabeth Sadoulet (2021) Development Economics, Theory and Practice (Second edition). Routledge, New York.
Jurgen Brauer & J. Paul Dunne (2012) Peace Economics: A Macroeconomic Primer for Violence-afflicted States. United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC.