The course will concern the concept of quality in the primary productions as well as the methods of environmentally friendly productions. In particular, we will illustrate the knowledge on the state of the art of the fruit trees productive cycle and the main agronomic techniques of orchard environmentally friendly management. Particular attention will be paid to the knowledge of the fruits, their biochemical composition, and qualitative traits both as a fresh or transformed commodities in the main economically relevant fruit species (apple, pear, peach , apricot, cherry, dried fruits, Citrus spp). Such knowledge is necessary to appreciate the orchard management choices with reference to the economic destination of the products (consumption or industrial transformation). The student will be able to perform a critical evaluation of the agronomic techniques to obtaining high quality fruit productions in the maximum of the environmental respect.
(reference books)
1)Manuale di ortofrutticoltura - a cura di Sansavini S. e Ranalli P. Edagricole il sole 24 ore. Limitatamente alla parte di frutticoltura; 2) Il manuale del biologico a cura di Caccioni D e Colombo L, 2012. Edagricole 592 pag (relativamente a frutticoltura generale e speciale); 3)Sussidi didattici distribuiti a lezione