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20410729 Applied ecology in Biodiversity and Environmental Protection LM-6 SCALICI MASSIMILIANO, BATTISTI CORRADO, VANNICELLI CASONI LODOVICO
Biogeochemical cycles with particular reference to the hydrological cycle and its sustainable management. History on the exploitation of living natural resources: from Gordon's Theory towards HORIZON 2020, through sustainable development, the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment and ecosystem services. Principles of urban ecology and eco-sustainable cities: Green City, Smart Economy and Citizen Science. Biomanipulations: from Frankenstein effect at DAISIE (Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe). Biomanipulation of habitats and bioturpation concept. Verification on local and national socio-economic impact. Principles of naturalistic engineering. Eco-compatible agricultural activities. Traditional and renewable energy sources. Recycling of materials and resources. Biotechnologies. Ecology of disturbance. Nature, origin, diffusion and effects of stressors. Definition and classification of environmental alteration (chronic and point disturbance). DPSIR (determinants, pressures, state, impacts, responses). Study and evaluation and environmental impact. Techniques for the recovery of degraded resources and environments: bioremediation and biorecovery. Ecology applied to spatial planning. Landscape planning. What is a Management Plan. Remote sensing. Cartography. GIS applied to ecology. Community and national regulatory framework. Main national institutions for research and monitoring on the environment. The environmental manager in the world of work.
(reference books)
BATTISTI C., CONIGLIARO M., POETA G., TEOFILI C., 2013. Biodiversità, Disturbi, Minacce – Dall’Ecologia di Base alla Gestione e Conservazione degli Ecosistemi. Forum Editrice Universitaria Udinese, 238 PP. GALASSI S., FERRARI I., VIAROLI P. 2014. Introduzione alla Ecologia Applicata. Città Studi Edizioni. PRIMACK R.B. & BOITANI L. 2012. Biologia della Conservazione. Zanichelli Editore BARGAGLI R. 2018. Ecologia applicata. Per un uso consapevole dell'aria, dell'acqua e del suolo. AMON Editore. PROVINI A., GALASSI S., MARCHETTI R. 1998. Ecologia Applicata. Città Studi Editore.