Code 21201422
Language ITA
Type of certificate Profit certificate 
Module: (objectives)
Code 21201422-2
Language ITA
Type of certificate Profit certificate 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code IUS/13 
Contact Hours 40 
Type of Activity Related or supplementary learning activities 
Derived from 21201422-2 DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE DELL'ECONOMIA in Economics and management LM-77 BASSAN FABIO
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities From 01/10/2022 to 23/12/2022
Attendance not mandatory
Module: (objectives)
Code 21201422-1
Language ITA
Type of certificate Profit certificate 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code IUS/13 
Contact Hours 20 
Type of Activity Related or supplementary learning activities 
Derived from 21201422-1 DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE DELL'ECONOMIA in Economics and management LM-77 BASSAN FABIO
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities From 01/10/2022 to 23/12/2022
Attendance not mandatory