Knowing how to identify the biomechanical model of the human body and be able to determine the most appropriate geometric and inertial parameters. Know the conceptual and mathematical tools useful for representing human motion in virtual reality and to describe joint kinematics. Being able to estimate the joint moments and forces acting on the hard and soft passive tissuestransmitted by the muscles during movement. Being able to describe a motoract using the language of the mechanical work and energy. Understanding the biomechanics of human joints and spine. Know the biomechanics of physicalactivities of daily living such as walking, climb and descent of stairs, getting up and sitting etc.. Know the basic biomechanical principles to describe and evaluate sports paradigmatic gestures (jumping, throwing, hitting). Being familiar with the tools that allow the measurement of human movement and external forces. Be familiar with the laboratory of movement analysisand experimental protocols. Knowing how to assess risks for the locomotor apparatus in sport and at work. Acquiring the ability to design an experimental procedure, based on the use of these instruments and protocols, for clinical purposes or with reference to sport and ergonomics.
(reference books)
1) Kinematics of Human Motion e Kinetics of Human Motion di Vladimir M. Zatziorsky, 1998, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois, USA.; 2) Kinematic Analysis of Human Movement, Cheze Laurence, John Wiley & Sons 2014; 3) Gait Analysis: Normal and Pathological Function Perry Jacquelin and Burnfield Judith, SLACK; 2010; 4) An introduction to biomechanics of sport and exercise James Watkins, Churchill Livingstone, 2007.