The first part of the course is dedicated to the fundamentals of administrative law: - The development of administrative law - Public administration and its law: the characteristics of administrative law - The principles of the administrative action - The administrative procedure: structural and functional profiles, participatory institutions, forms and instruments of simplification, the PNRR - Administrative transparency and the various forms of access to documents.
The second part of the course deals, more specifically, with the issue related to the use of new technologies between Italian and EU law: - Digital administration, e-government and open-government - The digitilalisation process of the public administrations in Italy: outline - Bodies responsible for the control and development of the digitalization process: the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID), the Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the digital transition, the Minister for technological innovation, Sogei - Digital citizenship and the right to use technologies - Administrative procedure, administrative provision and digital technologies - Digitalisation and the European market: The green pass, the SOLVIT network for resolving disputes between citizens and public administrations, the Internal Market Information System (IMI) and the European Professional Card.
(reference books)
All texts and materials are available on-line (formonline - moodle). In case of problems in finding the materials, please send an e-mail to Professor Lottini at her institutional address.
The mandatory materials (for students who attend the lectures and for students who do not attend the lectures) are: 1. a set of slides titled 'administrative law 1' 2. M. Lottini, Digital administration, e-government and open-government 3. M. Lottini, The SOLVIT network: a tool for resolving cross-border disputes, in Italian Journal of Community Public Law, 6, 2006 4. M. Lottini, European green pass: cooperation and new technologies in the single market, Ceridap, 1/2022.