The course aims to study youth conditions with respect to educational processes related to mobility, starting from a reconstruction of the main theoretical and empirical orientations, developed at national and international level, within the field of Youth Studies. In the first part, the course aims to outline the social, cultural and economic change of global societies within which to connect the insights related to the meanings and definitions of youth, the problematic issues of transitions versus the generational approach, the theme of mobility, individualization, reflexivity and inequalities. In the second part, youth mobility in general and Italian mobility in particular are analyzed. It is analyzed both as an exit strategy and as an educational and training investment field within the global training market. This approach allows to develop a critical analysis of youth mobility in relation to policies and the theme of inequality reproduction in the European and international context.
Themes of the course: Social construction of young people; The life course and youth extension; Youth studies and the critique of the transition model; The concept of generation; Individualization and new biographies; Agency and social structure; Youth and reflexivity; Youth and inequalities; field mobility Mobility and migration; Criticism of the linear youth mobility model; Mobility and mobility systems; Mobility and the global education market; Italian youth mobility: new scenarios; The characteristics of Italian graduates
(reference books)
A. Spanò, Studiare i giovani nel mondo che cambia. Concetti, temi e prospettive negli Youth Studies, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2018; D. Licata, Cittadini italiani residenti all'estero: la comunità italiana alla prova della pandemia, In Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo, Fondazione Migrantes, Perugia, Tau 2021, pp. 3-13; (scaricabile da formonline) D. Licata, La mobilità italiana durante la pandemia: ridotta, incerta, giovane ed europea, In Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo, Fondazione Migrantes, Perugia, Tau 2021, pp. 14-23; (scaricabile da formonline) S. Galeazzi, S. Ghiselli., La mobilità per studio o lavoro dei laureati e dei dottori di ricerca, In Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo, Fondazione Migrantes, Perugia, Tau 2021, pp. 63-71,(scaricabile da formoline) M. Giardiello, R. Capobianco, Può la mobilità determinare un cambiamento sociale? Il caso studio dei giovani calabresi, In Meridiana, 2022 M. Giardiello, R. Capobianco, Le contraddizioni e i paradossi della mobilità, in Studi di Sociologia, 1, 2020, pp. 71-88 (scaricabile su formonline) M. Cerulo, a cura di, Pierre Bourdieu. Sul concetto di campo in sociologia, Armando, Roma, 2010