With regard to Module II, the origins, processing technologies and typical characteristics of the products most commonly used by catering companies will be treated, with insights regarding the methods, production and storage techniques (pasteurization, sterilization, refrigeration, etc.) of the following supply chains: Meat and cured meat, Typical dairy poducts, Balsamic vinegar, Olive oil, Seed oils and margarines, Eggs and egg products, Dried fruit.
COURSE PROGRAM The concept of typical food: DOP, IGT, STG. Illustration of the Atlas of Typical Products "Food, Wine & Spirits" of the Qualivita Foundation. Meat and cured meat. Types, composition and quality of beef, pigmeat and poultrymeat. The slaughtering process. Cutting and processing of carcases for the production of fresh and frozen meat. Canned meat. Characteristics and industrial processes of production of cured meats. Preservation and alteration of cured meats. Typical dairy products. Milk and its derivatives. Unit operations in the industrial production of cheeses. Types of cheeses. Main defects and alterations. Balsamic vinegar. Balsamic vinegar and traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Olive oil Classification and types of vegetable oils. Raw materials and production process of extra virgin olive oil. Plant engineering for the industrial production of extra virgin olive oil. Alterations of oils. Hydrolytic and oxidative rancidity. Seed oils and margarines. Oil extraction. Main seed oils. Definition of margarine and its composition. Hydrogenation of oils. Preparation and classification. Eggs and egg products. Structure and chemical composition. Classification and conservation. Egg products. Main defects and alterations. Dried fruit. Types of fruits. Figs, apricots and dried plums. Dried oilseeds.
(reference books)
• Dispense a cura del docente • P. Cappelli, V. Vannucchi - Principi di chimica degli alimenti. Conservazione, Trasformazioni, Normativa. - Ed. Zanichelli • Atlante dei prodotti tipici “Food, Wine & Spirits” Fondazione Qualivita