1) University study from its origins to Legislative Decree 68 2) Scholarships and accommodation. Law 338 3) Other services: canteens, transport, culture and the disabled 4) The Right to Education (DSU) in Europe 5) The DSU in the Italian regions 6) University and city: Rome 7) The DSU at the time of Covid-19 8) The vocabulary for study and work: the key words 9) Institutional actors and employment policies 10) Third mission of universities and the role of ANVUR 11) Employment services in Italian universities 12) Study and work: transversal skills
(reference books)
Materiali didattici Letture di approfondimento:
Politiche e servizi per lo studio:
- paper del Servizio Studi della Camera dei Deputati sul Diritto allo Studio Universitario - il DSU nell'anno accademico 2017/2018, a cura del MIUR
Politiche e servizi per il lavoro:
- le politiche attive per il lavoro, rapporto annuale, Ministero del Lavoro - Università e imprese, paper CRUI - La Terza missione delle Università, paper ANVUR