The program aims to explore some important works of Spanish theater that dramatize the tensions between the weight of social codes and authority and the individual and collective aspiration to freedom. In a span that goes from the 17th to the 20th century, these works will allow us to retrace, from the perspective of the theatrical genre, the characteristics of the great cultural periodizations (Baroque, Romanticism, Avant-garde, Neorealism). On the other hand, the in-depth study of each text will make it possible to illustrate and put into practice, with lectures and guided exercises, a method of structural analysis specifically designed for the theatrical work, without ever losing sight of the formal and linguistic aspects that structure its dialogue. The course has two fundamental objectives: - observe the historical evolution of the theoretical categories of comedy and tragedy and the birth of new categories (tragicomedy, esperpento), in relation to the historical-cultural moment and the poetics of individual playwrights; - introduction to the methodologies of analysis of the dramatic text: basic concepts, concrete application on the texts in the program.
(reference books)
TESTI P. Calderón de la Barca, El alcalde de Zalamea, qualsiasi edizione spagnola; P. Calderón de la Barca, La dama duende, ed. J. Pérez Magallón, Cátedra; L. Fernández de Moratín, El sí de las niñas, ed. R. Andioc, Espasa-Calpe (colección Austral); A. García Gutiérrez, El trovador, ed. C. Ruiz Silva, Cátedra; R. M. del Valle-Inclán, Los cuernos de don Friolera, en: Martes de Carnaval, ed. J. Rubio Jiménez, Espasa-Calpe (colección Austral); F. García Lorca, Mariana Pineda, ed. L. Martínez Cuitiño, Cátedra; A. Buero Vallejo, Historia de una escalera, ed. V. Serrano, Espasa-Calpe (colección Austral). CRITICA E METODOLOGIA F. Antonucci, Calderón de la Barca, Salerno editrice, capitoli I, II, III.1, IV, X; le introduzioni alle edizioni indicate in programma dei testi di Moratín, García Gutiérrez, Valle-Inclán, Lorca, Buero Vallejo; F. Ruiz Ramón, Historia del teatro español (desde sus orígenes hasta 1900), Cátedra, cap. V (El teatro del siglo XIX), par. I, “El drama romántico”; F. Antonucci, Il Novecento letterario spagnolo: percorsi, ETS, Unità 7; S. Trecca, “Teatro spagnolo contemporaneo”, in: Letteratura spagnola contemporanea, coord. D. Manera, Pearson, pp. 407-485. J. L. García Barrientos, Cómo se comenta una obra de teatro, Síntesis (o la edición mexicana corregida y aumentada de 2012).