Number systems and data formats Binary and hexadecimal numbers Conversion between different bases Binary representation of integer numbers Binary representation of real numbers
Microcomputer organization Base structure Microcontrollers vs. microprocessors Hardware and software architecture Introduction to interrupts
Programming in assembly language Low-level programming Assembler Characteristics of assembly instructions Multiplication and division Data and variable allocation Subroutines and Interrupt Service Routines
Programming in C High-level programming Compiler Structure of a C program Examples Mixing C and assembly code
Embedded peripherals Embedded memories Bus Interrupt types and handling Timers and counters
Interfacing General purpose input-output ports (GPIO) General interfacing through GPIO
Principles of serial communication
Principles of analog signal processing
(reference books)
Recommended readings:
Notes from the instructor
Manuel Jiménez, Rogelio Palomera, Isidoro Couvertier, “Introduction to Embedded Systems: Using Microcontrollers and the MSP430“, Springer Science & Business Media, 11 set 2013.