To provide the tools to set up the project of a building structure articulated in an urban complex. Define the quality of outdoor spaces that determines its shape; deepen in detail scale some significant parts, including the links in technology and the architectural consequences of any formal definition.
21002007 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
The course aims to provide the tools to set up the project of a building structure articulated in an urban complex. Define the quality of outdoor spaces that determines its shape; deepen in detail scale some significant parts, including the links in technology and the architectural consequences of any formal definition.
21002007-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The course programme consists of the design of a residential building with housing facilities in a consolidated urban context. In detail, it is required to develop a building organism composed of 60 housing units of different sizes for a total of about 7,500 sqm and services (small conference room, library, commercial services, common rooms) for a total of about 3,000 sqm. The project should be developed by integrating technological issues as well as a reflection on costs that keep it in the context of affordable housing. A critical approach to the theme is required that reflects on the typological theme starting from contemporary needs.
(reference books)
Baratta A.F., Finucci F., Montuori L., Palmieri V. Abitare la condivisione. Un confronto divulgativo sul tema dell'abitare e della condivisione, Napoli, CLEAN. 2017.
Baratta A L, Finucci F., Gabriele S., Metta A., Montuori L., Palmieri V. Cohousing Programmi e progetti per la riqualificazione del patrimonio esistente. Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2014
Melotto B., Pierini S. O., Case Studies. Housing Primer, Le forme della residenza nella città contemporanea. Milano, Politecnica. 2012.
Leo, B. densidad / density, Barcellona, a+t, 2006.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
The architectural design laboratory 3, located at the end of the three-year degree course, will focus on the design of a medium-sized building with a predominantly residential function, integrated with spaces for commerce and other services, in an empty area of the consolidated urban zone of the city of Rome. The project will be confronted with an articulated urban landscape and will have to evaluate all the aspects related to the insertion of an architectural organism within an existing context. We must consider, as main themes of reasoning: the evaluation of the settlement principle and the typological, morphological and spatial characteristics of the organism in relation to those present in the context in which it is inserted, the relationship with the public space and with the infrastructure system present in the immediate vicinity. At the same time the building will have to give answers to the theme of living, proposing housing solutions that are the result of an updated thought on new ways of life and new housing needs. The project will be developed on a scale that will allow both a definition of the technological and structural characteristics of the organism and an economic evaluation of a parametric type.
(reference books)
L. Zevi, Il Nuovissimo Manuale dell’Architetto, Roma, Mancosu, 2012 P. O. Rossi, Roma, Guida all’architettura moderna 1909-2011, Bari 2012 M. Guccione (a cura di), Guida ai quartieri romani INA Casa, Roma 2002 L. Benevolo, Roma dal 1879 al 1990, Bari 1992 M. Tafuri (a cura di), Vienna Rossa, La politica residenziale nella Vienna Socialista 1919-1933, Milano 1980 M. Casciato (a cura di), Olanda 1870-1940, Citta, Casa, Architettura, Milano 1980 C. M. Arìs, Le variazioni dell’identità, 2012 I. Abalos, Il buon abitare, Milano 2009 L. Dall’Olio, D. Mandolesi, La residenza Collettiva, Roma 2014 M. Farina, Spazi e figure dell’abitare. Il progetto della residenza contemporanea in Olanda, 2014 L. Reale, La residenza collettiva, Roma 2015 Other texts and monographic issues of magazines will be indicated by the teacher during the lessons.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The course aims to design a building with a complex program starting from the demolition of an existing building according to the most current methods of transforming the consolidated urban fabrics of our cities.
The student is asked to develop a project strategy taking into account the innumerable restrictions and limits that come from the immediate urban context.
During the project development, the student will also have to deal with constructive technological and project evaluation issues. For this purpose, a 1:50 scale study of the building's cross section will be required, in order to deepen the design aspects related to the choices of technological detail.
(reference books)
During the Laboratorio students will be gives general references and case studies related to the main project features.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
At a distance
Evaluation methods
Written test
A project evaluation
To deepen, in preparation of the laboratory project, building elements, materials and construction techniques, with particular regard to the inclusion of the building in the environment and urban landscape.
21002007-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The contribution of the Architectural Technology module addresses the relationship between the buildingS and the environmental characteristics (geographical factors, climatic parameters, meteorological factors, topographical factors, biological factors), in order to maximize the building-environment exchanges, and minimize the use of systems. Starting from the analysis of the geometric and localization characteristics, the module explores the elements of the building’s technological components and the relationship between typological and formal aspects and the technological and constructive choices. By combining theoretical aspects with practical analysis, the topics will be developed through lectures, in-depth focus focused on materials and technologies, periodic reviews on the project and support for drawing the main technological details.
(reference books)
Arbizzani, E., [2021]. Progettazione tecnologica dell'architettura. Processo, progetto, costruzione. Con disegni, schemi funzionali, immagini di cantiere, Maggioli Editore. Butera, F. M., [2014]. Dalla caverna alla casa ecologica. Storia del comfort e dell’energia (nuova edizione), A Ed. Edizioni Ambiente, Milano. Olgyay, V. [2013]. Progettare con il clima. Un approccio bioclimatico al regionalismo architettonico (nuova edizione), Franco Muzzio Editore, Roma Rogora, A., [2012]. Progettazione bioclimatica per l'architettura mediterranea - Metodi Esempi, Wolters Kluwer Italia Altri testi saranno eventualmente indicati dal docente nel corso delle lezioni.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The aim of the course is to provide all the appropriate tools for students to manage design relations between materials, building elements, working techniques, requirements and regulations involved since the concept design. All that fully aware of the strong link between typological-stylish features and technological-architectural ones of the building conceived as a whole of interrelated and organized parts, according to a systemic and performance design approach.
(reference books)
Arbizzani, E. (2021), Progettazione tecnologica dell’architettura, Maggioli Editore Civiero, P. (2017), Tecnologie per la riqualificazione. Soluzioni e strategie per la trasformazione intelligente del comparto abitativo esistente, Maggioli Editore
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
The aim of the course is to provide all the appropriate tools for students to manage design relations between materials, building elements, working techniques, requirements and regulations involved since the concept design. All that fully aware of the strong link between typological-stylish features and technological-architectural ones of the building conceived as a whole of interrelated and organized parts, according to a systemic and performance design approach.
(reference books)
AA.VV. [Varie]. Grandi Atlanti dell’Architettura, UTET, Milano.
Agrawal, R. [2019]. Costruire. Le storie nascoste dentro le architetture, BollatiBollingeri Editore, Torino. Bertoldini, M.; Zanelli, A. (a cura di) [2003]. Tecnica, progetto e scienze umane, Libreria CLUP, Milano. De Santis, M.; Losasso, M.; Pinto, M. R. (a cura di) [2008]. L’invenzione del futuro, Genesi Gruppo editoriale, Città di Castello. Sennett, R. [2008]. L’uomo artigiano, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, Milano.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
To provide the essential elements for the economic evaluation of the project, referring to the different scales addressed in the theme of the workshop.
21002007-3 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
In the general framework of the evaluation topics, the module aims to provide the specific theoretical and methodological tools for the real estate appraisal and the evaluation of environmental, landscape, historical and cultural resources. The main concepts of microeconomics, the basics of estimation theory and the methodological procedures for value judgments are considered basic knowledge for the understanding of the estimating values and the economic variables generated by an architectural and urban project. Criteria, procedures and appraisal's techniques are suited to different stages of the project, solving in each scale specific problems. The module also provides methods and criteria for the appraisal of the use value and the non-use value. Basics of technique and methodology for the assessment of projects, program and plans are provided, in response to specific feasibility profiles, considering the evaluation as an active, logical and methodological tool to support planning and design. Specifically, the module deals with: - Basics of Microeconomic: elements of theory of value, economic goods, markets structures, market pricing, general equilibrium theory, consumer choice, production theory. - Appraisal fundaments: appraisal theory, principles and methods, basics of statistics, basics of mathematical finance, market value, cost value, secondary values, elements of total economic value. Basics of plans, programs and projects evaluation: financial and economic approaches.
(reference books)
About microeconomics Sloman J., "Elementi di economia", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007. Stiglitz J. E., "Economia del settore pubblico", Hoepli, Milano, 2003. About appraisal C. Forte, B. De' Rossi, "Principi di economia ed estimo", Etas Libri, Milano 1979. A. Realfonzo "Teoria e metodo dell’estimo urbano” , Carocci, Roma, 1994. M. Polelli, “Nuovo trattato di estimo”, Maggior, Rimini, 2008. About plans, programs and projects evaluation: Module handouts.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
In the general framework of the evaluation topics, the module aims to provide the specific theoretical and methodological tools for the real estate appraisal and the evaluation of environmental, landscape, historical and cultural resources. The main concepts of microeconomics, the basics of estimation theory and the methodological procedures for value judgments are considered basic knowledge for the understanding of the estimating values and the economic variables generated by an architectural and urban project. Criteria, procedures and appraisal's techniques are suited to different stages of the project, solving in each scale specific problems. The module also provides methods and criteria for the appraisal of the use value and the non-use value. Basics of technique and methodology for the assessment of projects, program and plans are provided, in response to specific feasibility profiles, considering the evaluation as an active, logical and methodological tool to support planning and design. Specifically, the module deals with: - Basics of Microeconomic: elements of theory of value, economic goods, markets structures, market pricing, general equilibrium theory, consumer choice, production theory. - Appraisal fundaments: appraisal theory, principles and methods, basics of statistics, basics of mathematical finance, market value, cost value, secondary values, elements of total economic value. Basics of plans, programs and projects evaluation: financial and economic approaches.
(reference books)
About microeconomics Sloman J., "Elementi di economia", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007. Stiglitz J. E., "Economia del settore pubblico", Hoepli, Milano, 2003. About appraisal C. Forte, B. De' Rossi, "Principi di economia ed estimo", Etas Libri, Milano 1979. A. Realfonzo "Teoria e metodo dell’estimo urbano” , Carocci, Roma, 1994. M. Polelli, “Nuovo trattato di estimo”, Maggior, Rimini, 2008. About plans, programs and projects evaluation: Module handouts.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
In the general framework of the evaluation topics, the module aims to provide the specific theoretical and methodological tools for the real estate appraisal and the evaluation of environmental, landscape, historical and cultural resources. The main concepts of microeconomics, the basics of estimation theory and the methodological procedures for value judgments are considered basic knowledge for the understanding of the estimating values and the economic variables generated by an architectural and urban project. Criteria, procedures and appraisal's techniques are suited to different stages of the project, solving in each scale specific problems. The module also provides methods and criteria for the appraisal of the use value and the non-use value. Basics of technique and methodology for the assessment of projects, program and plans are provided, in response to specific feasibility profiles, considering the evaluation as an active, logical and methodological tool to support planning and design. Specifically, the module deals with: - Basics of Microeconomic: elements of theory of value, economic goods, markets structures, market pricing, general equilibrium theory, consumer choice, production theory. - Appraisal fundaments: appraisal theory, principles and methods, basics of statistics, basics of mathematical finance, market value, cost value, secondary values, elements of total economic value. Basics of plans, programs and projects evaluation: financial and economic approaches.
(reference books)
About microeconomics Sloman J., "Elementi di economia", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007. Stiglitz J. E., "Economia del settore pubblico", Hoepli, Milano, 2003. About appraisal C. Forte, B. De' Rossi, "Principi di economia ed estimo", Etas Libri, Milano 1979. A. Realfonzo "Teoria e metodo dell’estimo urbano” , Carocci, Roma, 1994. M. Polelli, “Nuovo trattato di estimo”, Maggior, Rimini, 2008. About plans, programs and projects evaluation: Module handouts.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 28/02/2023 to 29/09/2023 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation