- The ontological dimensions of Motor Education: epistemological; phenomenological; methodological; referential; formative; axiological. - Human movement and its forms in the context of contemporary culture and values. - Functions and structures of human movement. - The lack of human movement: hypokinesis and motor illiteracy. - Motor development: ontogenesis and evolution of basic motor patterns in the developmental age. - The functional prerequisites and their structuring. - Psycho-motor education in its various aspects and the relationships between body growth, neuro-motor and psychic development. - The acquisition of skills and the development of coordination and conditional skills, postural patterns, in the primary school years. - Body outline, self efficacy and resilience. - Motor activity and socio-intellectual, emotional and moral development. - General principles of gradualness and progressiveness in the use of human movement and the methodological - didactic variables. - Didactic strategies, teaching styles and interdisciplinary approaches. - From basic motor patterns to the first forms of gestures applied to sports-games and sports. - The task of the teacher and the coach/referee/educator in starting sports activities in developmental age. - Moving in a natural environment, between creative and adventurous activities. - Outdoor Movement Education - Outdoor Adventure Education.
(reference books)
Casolo F. (2011). Didattica delle attività motorie per l’età evolutiva. Milano: Vita e Pensiero. Coco D. (2014). Pedagogia del corpo ludico-motorio e sviluppo morale. Roma: Anicia. Lipoma M. (2014). Educazione Motoria. Collana ontologie pedagogiche. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia.