To train a figure of anthropologist who fits into the broader framework of "critical intellectual" able to carry out analyses and interpretations of cultural cases and systems capable of elaborating and disseminating, on the basis of advanced scientific-disciplinary knowledge, critical reports in relation to the social practices and contextual systems in which they will operate. The aim is to train the gaze to grasp the countless cues that everyday reality offers us, starting from experiences, habits, representations, up to all forms of "otherness" and difference, from the closest to the most distant in space and time. Today, this knowledge is even more necessary not only to understand the changes we are experiencing, but also to offer useful tools for the practice of everyday life and for all forms of work, starting with teachers at all levels, in order to train future generations to coexist with others, to participate in recognising others as a fundamental resource. Knowledge and skills of an anthropological and anthropological-cultural nature are extremely useful in the teaching profession at all levels, as they allow the recognition of the pupil with his history, identity and the specificities of his family contexts, while at the same time avoiding any rigid assignment of cultural belonging or labelling. But at the same time, cultural and social anthropology offers knowledge about migration processes, globalisation, and allows us to deal with multicultural classes and to enable students to deal with cultural difference, activating channels of communication and making pupils' diversity interact without reductionism, promoting integration and interculturality. And it helps to understand phenomena related to early school leaving.